MSS EUR HODGSON/49 Genealogical history: Gorkhā vaṃśāvali 1842 |
Vaṃśāvali (chronicle) related to two Gorkha
kings, Purandar or Purna
Shah (reigned c. 1569-1605) and Chhatra Shah (reigned c.
1605-1612). |
1[vol.49 fol(s)] Gorkhā vaṃśāvali (genealogical history) giving
an account of two Gorkha kings, Purandar (also known as Purna) Shah
(reigned c. 1569-1605) and Chhatra Shah
(reigned c. 1605-1612) 1842 Nepali hand-made paper, in scroll. |
Urdu Hindi-Urdu |
Genealogy with major dates and incidents from the reigns of two
Gorkha Kings, Purandar (Purna)
Shah and Chhatra Shah; English title description with
information on the source (the King of Nepal) of the original and
English translation by Hodgson, microfilmed in 1954. |