MSS EUR HODGSON/81 Lepcha religious texts
Wise sayings, moral teachings of the Buddhist scholar Vairochana popularly known among the Lepchas as La-pan Bi-ru-tsa-na.
1[vol.81 fol(s)] Story of Learned Master Vairohcana, original Lepcha title: La-pan Bi-ru-tsa-na Nepali hand-made paper, glue-pasted to make it thicker and stronger, fine condition, written both sides, fair writing, the first or title fold is faded with black smoke, water drops, dust, handling without proper care, no separate folios, written on one long sheet with 9 folds (like a Newar thyāsaphū) but can be counted as 10 folios and 18 pages altogether.
Lepcha religious text giving the story of La-pan Bi-ru-tsa-na (Vairochana) containing wise sayings and moral instructions of this ancient Indian Buddhist scholar.
Front face of the first fold or the title fold has an auspicious figure very similar to the Tibetan letter "om" and ink drawings of auspicious emblems such as choten, norbu and bumpa. The verso of the final fold also has drawings of two of the three emblems of long life (chering sum) along with title description in Roman Nepali, Lepcha giving names of religious texts such as: Agens, Jutpeka (Phyuk-bu Pa-ke?), Kugyek and a Tibetan sentence stating "let the auspiciousness come everywhere." This title description is not related to the text described in this volume but it might be related to another Lepcha manuscript included in Volume 77, ff. 137-152.