MSS EUR HODGSON/82 Newar grammar by Amritananda Bandya (Shakya) 1831
Textbook of Newar grammar composed for Hodgson by Amritananda (Shakya) in NE 951.
1[vol.82 fol(s)1-38 (1b-4, 5, 31b, 33b, 35b, 37, 38b blank)] Grammar of the Newar Language composed for Hodgson by Amritananda Bandya (Shakya) 951 Nepali hand-made paper (poor quality), partially affected by insects, fair writing of Amritananda filled with English notes and remarks by Hodgson, 12.5x20cm.
Sanskrit Nepali Newari English Newari
Textbook of Newar grammar or language learning book studied through comparison with Sanskrit and Nepali (referred to as Parvatiyā in the original), includes exercise text of popular folk story in Sanskrit (devabhāṣā), Nepali (parvatīyabhaṣā) and Newari (Nepālikābhaṣā), description of compilation of the text and dates in three eras in common use at the time, namely Nepal Era (nepālasaṃvata), Shaka Era (śakasaṃvata) and Vikram Era (vikramasaṃvata). The text begins with invocations to the Buddhist Tri-ratna and other deities including Avalokiteshwara and different Bodhisattvas (ff. 1 and 4 verso). The book is dedicated to Hodgson in two different languages, Sanskrit and Newari (folio 36); practice note in Hodgson's hand on most of the folios which includes English gloss for Newari words and sentences, notes on significant points of Newar grammar with some examples of verbs and cases (ff. 37b-38), for cases, cross reference [vol 83/01 fol.2-16] , includes English title written by Hodgson in his own hand as "Grammar of the Newar Language Composed for Mr Hodgson by Amrita Nanda Bandya" (folio 1).