MSS EUR HODGSON/90 Manipuri or Maitai, Song-phu, Ma-ram, Cham-phing, Ka-pur,
Ko-reng, Lu-hup-pa, Northern, Central and Southern Tāng-khul
languages 1850s |
Ethnic languages: bilingual and trilingual vocabularies of Manipuri or Maitai, Songphu, Maram, Champhing, Kapur, Koreng, Luhuppa,
Northern, Central and Southern Tangkhul
languages with sample sentences compared and the geographic location of
the people speaking the particular language. |
1[vol.90 fol(s)1-30] Manipuri or Maitai and Songphu
languages 1850s Machine-made paper, fine condition, fair writing, folio 30 is
blank. |
English Mixed Maitai, Song-phu |
Geographical description of the areas of settlement of the people
speaking Manipur or Maitai (known now as Meithei or Manipuri) and Songphu languages,
trilingual vocabularies and sample sentences of these languages with
English translation. Manipuri is the language of the central plateau of
Manipuri state currently with around two million speakers. 'Songphu' is
not found in any of the standard lists of languages, but is a place-name
in both Manipur and
Bhutan. |
2[vol.90 fol(s)31-51] Maram and
Champhing languages (Naga
dialects) 1850s Machine-made paper, bottom right edge of folio 32 onwards
eaten by worms, otherwise in fine condition, fair writing, folio 51 is
blank. |
English Mixed Maram, Cam-phing (Nāgā) |
Geographical description, trilingual vocabularies and sample
sentences (English, Maram and Champhing); English title description.
Maram was spoken in 2000 by around 25,000 persons in northern
Manipur and in Assam. The name
'Champhing' is not included in the most comprehensive discussion of
languages in the Himalaya and adjoining regions ([van Driem_2001:]or in the
Ethnologue), and no information was found through an Internet
search in June 2011. |
3[vol.90 fol(s)52-77] Kapur and
Koreng languages (Naga
dialects) 1850s Machine-made paper, very bottom edge of the manuscript has
been eaten by worms, otherwise in fine condition, fair writing, folio
77 is blank. |
English Mixed Ka-pur, Ko-reng (Naga) |
Geographical description, trilingual vocabularies and sample
sentences of Kapur and Koreng languages with English translation;
English title description. The languages known as Kapur and Koreng are
not listed in recent linguistic studies (e.g. van Driem 2001) and no
information was found through a June 2011 Internet search either. |
4[vol.90 fol(s)78-103] Luhup-pa and Northern Tangkhul languages (Naga dialects) 1850s Machine-made paper, bottom part of the manuscript has been
eaten by worms, otherwise in fine condition, fair writing, ff. 101-103
are blank. |
English Mixed Lu-hup-pa, Northern Tang-hul
(Nāgā) |
Geographical description, trilingual vocabularies and sample
sentences of Luhup-pa and Northern Tangkhul languages with English
translation; English title description. Modern sources treat Luh-pa as a
synonym of 'Tangkhul', which in 1997 was spoken by around 110,000 people
in north-eastern Manipur,
Nagaland and Tripura.
Presumably Hodgson's data refers to two of the five dialects (viz. Ukhrul (main variety), Khunggoi,
Kupome, Khangol, Kupome and Phadang). |
5[vol.90 fol(s)104-124] Central and Southern Tangkhul
languages (Naga dialects) 1850s Machine-made paper, fine condition, fair writing, 2 leaves
without folio number, blank. |
English Mixed Central and Southern Tang-khul
(Naga) |
Geographical description, trilingual vocabularies and sample
sentences of Central and Southern Tangkhul; English title description
(see Item 5 above for further information on the same subject). |