MSS EUR HODGSON/33 Sanskrit-Newari vocabulary 1830
Bilingual Sanskrit-Newari dictionary of about 2,800 Newari words separated into 25 sections and different subject groups.
1[vol.33 fol(s)1-73] Sanskrit-Newari Vocabulary by Khardar Jitmohan (Jitman Singh) 1830 Nepali hand-made paper, book form.
Sanskrit Newari
Bilingual Newari vocabulary (dictionary or kośa) of about 2,800 words divided into 25 sections and different subject categories known as 'varga';
A single line compiler's note included at the end of the dictionary introducing the work in corrupted Sanskrit as 'sangchhepa umara kosha', ('a brief Amarakośa');
English title description by Hodgson which reads "Sanskrit and Newari Vocabulary by my Khardār Jit Mohan, a Newar";
A four-lined Sanskrit invocation beginning with "yasya jñāna dayā siṃndho..." ("by whose wisdom and compassion this has been completed");
Strictly speaking, Amarakośa is the title of a Sanskrit thesaurus composed by the scholar Amarasimha sometime in the early centuries AD but the word appears to have been used in the Kathmandu Valley to refer to dictionaries in general from the medieval period up to the 20th Century. There is another Newari dictionary (glossary) also entitled Amarakośa compiled for Brian Hodgson in Nagari script by Amritananda Bandya, see [vol 34/01 fol.1-77] .