MSS EUR HODGSON/34 Sanskrit and Newari glossary 1825
Sanskrit-Newari glossary of about 2,600 words compiled by Amritananda Bandya of Patan.
1[vol.34 fol(s)1-77] Sanskrit-Newari glossary by Amritananda Bandya of Patan City 1825 Haritāl-pasted, Nepali hand-made paper, in thyāsaphū form.
Sanskrit Newari Nepali English
A Newari glossary of about 2,600 words compiled in Nagari script for Brian Hodgson on the basis of Amarasiṃha's Amarakośa, English and Nepali title description. Strictly speaking, Amarakośa is the title of a Sanskrit thesaurus composed by the scholar Amarasimha sometime in the early centuries AD, but the word appears to have been used in the Kathmandu Valley to refer to dictionaries in general from the medieval period up to the 20th Century. For another contemporary Sanskrit-Newari dictionary (vocabulary) in Roman script by Khardar Jitmohan, see [vol 33/01 fol.1-73] .