MSS EUR HODGSON/64 Revenue and taxation: Kathmandu, continued from Volume 63 1830
Revenue and taxation: land tax record of Kathmandu for the years between 1806 and 1824 listed by wards, households and the property related to tax.
1[vol.64 fol(s)1-52+1-388 (total number of folios is 440, folio repetition after the first folio no. 52)] Land tax record of Kathmandu for some of the years between VE 1863 and 1881 1830 Nepali hand-made paper.
Revenue and taxation: details of tax collection/record for the years between 1806 and 1824 listed by each ward (ṭol), individual household record and the land or property for which the tax was collected; the years mentioned in the manuscripts are: VE 1863, 1877, 1879 and 1881, includes names of tax collectors: Tahavildārs Hemdatta Jaisi and Mana Jaisi. For an English summary, see [vol 13/01 fol.1-44][vol 13/02 fol.45-138] .