MSS EUR HODGSON/66 Revenue and taxation: Bhaktapur 1830
Revenue and Taxation: land tax record of Bhaktapur (Bhātgāun) for the years between 1800 and 1814 listed by ward and household with details of the taxable property.
1[vol.66 fol(s)1-333] Land tax record of Bhaktapur (Bhātgāun) from the period between VE 1856 and 1859 1830 Nepali hand-made paper, mostly with some original deterioration because of moisture but now properly conserved.
Details of tax collection from the period between 1800 and 1814 listed by ward (ṭol), individual household record and the land or property for which the tax was collected; the years mentioned in the manuscripts are: VE 1856-1859 and 1871 (i.e. CE 1799-1803 and 1814-1815), in some cases including the names of tax collectors: TahavildārManaPramāna and Indrasing Budhathoki; some English notes. For an English summary and translation, see [vol 13/03 fol.139-178][vol 13/04 fol.179-222] and for land tax in general, see Volume 7 and several other items of Volume 13.