MSS EUR HODGSON/67 Revenue and taxation: Bhaktapur, continued from Volume 66 1830
Revenue and Taxation: land tax record of Bhaktapur (Bhādgāun) for the years VE 1875 and 1878 listed by ward and household, with details of the taxable property.
1[vol.67 fol(s)1-344] Land tax record of Bhaktapur (Bhātgāun) for the years VE 1875 and 1878 1830 Nepali hand-made paper, once heavily degraded by moisture but the remainder is now properly conserved.
Revenue and Taxation: details of tax record/collection for the years VE 1875, 1878 (1818-1819 and 1821-1822) listed by ward (ṭol) and individual household with details of the land or property for which the tax was collected, names of tax collectors: Potādār, PradhānasDasnaran and Dhirjanaran, manuscripts divided into eight sections by area. For an English summary and translation, see [vol 13/03 fol.139-178][vol 13/04 fol.179-222] and also several items of Volume 7 for general land tax and other state revenue.