MSS EUR HODGSON/69 Economy and taxation 1825, 1832 and 1840s
Taxation: Land tax of Patan VE 1882 (CE 1825), revenue from mines, personal letters.
1[vol.69 fol(s)1] Personal letters to Hodgson from Jatanlal and Hanuman Datta, his field assistants in the Tarai 1848 Nepali hand-made letter, very poor writing.
Avadi/Kaithi, Hindi
A covering letter to Hodgson from his field research assistants Jatanlal and Hanuman Datta with revenue and other survey documents related to three Tarai districts (probably Saptari, Mahottari and Sarlahi) related mainly to revenue and agricultural products, mention of further commitment to supply information from the district of Morang. Hodgson is addressed as Śrī 3 Baḍāsāheb. For a summary in English on taxation in general, see [vol 07/various fol.][vol 13/various fol.] .
2[vol.69 fol(s)2] Production and consumption of iron in Nepal 1840 Nepali hand-made paper.
Description of total production of iron recorded in contracts (33,740 dhārnīs per annum), amount of iron regularly needed for megjin (arsenals) 47,160 dhārnīs per annum, mines (iron), English and Nepali title description.
3[vol.69 fol(s)3-8] Payment of contracted revenue from mines for the year VE 1889 (CE 1832-1833) 1889 Nepali hand-made paper.
Revenue from mines of iron, copper and glass from Eastern Nepal: a royal order (lālmohar) of clearance given to contractor SubbāKulananda Jha, mention of minting in Dhankuta, total contracted amount Rs. 38,528.50; English title description. For Kulanand Jha, see [Whelpton_1991:22, 268].
4[vol.69 fol(s)9-10] Copy of document concerning special levy collected in the year VE 1879 (CE 1822) from the Eastern Tarai 1840 Nepali hand-made paper, fine writing.
Details of a special levy known as cumāvana collected from different areas of the Eastern Tarai on the occasion of the vratavandha and marriage ceremonies of a prince; English title description. For cross references, see Volumes 7 and 9.
5[vol.69 fol(s)11-12] List of names and dates of Malla and Shah Kings from 34 of their silver and gold coins 1840 Nepali Hand-made paper.
Hindi Urdu
List of names and dates of Malla and Shah kings from their coins (silver and gold), names and dates from 34 coins all together; English title description.
6[vol.69 fol(s)13-79] Land tax of Patan for the year VE 1882 (CE 1825) 1837 Nepali hand-made paper.
Details of tax collection mainly for the year CE 1825 (VE 1882) listed by ward (ṭol), individual household and the land or property for which the tax was collected, English and Nepali title description and notes. Cross reference [vol 13/04 fol.179-222] and also Volumes 63-68.