MSS EUR HODGSON/71 Army, state revenue 1808-1843
Statistics related to the size and distribution of the army, land and salary (khangī) and expenditure related to the army, army organisation, names of army personnel, weapons, copy of original documents related to the army and state revenue, custom duties and custom contracts, funeral rite of the Murmi (Tamang), list of birds and animals collected for the Palace Zoo. Cross reference [vol 06/08 fol.157-180][vol 07/02 fol.3-30][vol 59/28 fol.126-142][vol 59/30 fol.153-160] also some Items of volumes 7 and 13.
1[vol.71 fol(s)1-4] Record of land assigned as salary to army caprāsī 1832 Nepali hand-made paper, good condition, two copies of the same document, one very fine writing and the other just regular.
Description of paddy land (khet) of the Āruboṭ area (in the southeast of the Kathmandu Valley?) given as salary (khāngī) to the army caprāsī (orderlies), with names of local village authorities, size of each plot and yearly income in rupees, names and designations of army personnel (land system).
2[vol.71 fol(s)7b-8] Copies of account records of miscellaneous expenses of the state for the year VE 1867 (CE 1810) 1833 Nepali hand-made paper, fine condition.
Expenses deducted from the revenue of Patan and Kathmandu for the year VE 1867 and some other record of miscellaneous expenses paid in cash, goods from the Kausi Office.
3[vol.71 fol(s)9] Funeral rites of the Murmis Nepali hand-made paper, fine condition.
A brief note on the funeral rites of the Murmis (Tamangs).
4[vol.71 fol(s)10-11] Copies of documents relating to the salary of army caprāsis 1816-1817 Nepali hand-made paper, fine condition, fair writing.
SubedārJorabarsing's letters dated VE 1873 and 1874 certifying land grant as salary to two army caprāsis equivalent to pay for one havaldār (land system), Nepali and English title description.
5[vol.71 fol(s)12b-24] Record of palṭans (regiments) with total number of army personnel, guns and cannons Nepali hand-made paper, fine condition, fair writing.
List of army regiments with their names, place where stationed (army stations), number of army personnel with designation, number of guns and cannons, including details of major forts, includes note translated into English.
6[vol.71 fol(s)25-27] List of army personnel assigned to Vairibhanjan Company, vārudkhānā and megjin at Almora and inventory of additional military equipment from the palace at Almora and Lalmandigadi in Kumaun 1808 Nepali hand-made paper, fine condition, fair writing.
Personnel of Vairibhanjan Company, vārudkhānā (gun powder factory) and megjin (arsenal) at Almora and inventory of additional military equipment stored in the palace of Almora and Lalmandi in Kumaun; Nepali and Farsi title description.
7[vol.71 fol(s)28] Salaries of officials of the Kumarichok and a letter of a Nepali officer suggesting to Hodgson the occupation of Nepali territory Nepali hand-made paper, fine condition, fair writing.
List of personnel of the Kumarichok (an audit office and court) office and their salaries, a letter of a high-ranking Nepali officer to Hodgson suggesting the occupation of Nepali territory, feeling of fear and frustration with King Rajendra, asking for monetary help and better opportunity in the East India Company's administration.
8[vol.71 fol(s)29a-45] Salaries of the army (khuwā and khāngī) VE 1893 and 1895 (CE 1836 and 1838) 1836-1838 Nepali hand-made paper, fine condition.
Salary details with names of palṭans, names and position of army personnel, income in Nepali rupees from khet (irrigated land for paddy) and khuwā (usually unirrigated land with houses and villages registered for extra income for high officials) assignments, price of paddy in different regions of the country; Nepali and English title description.
9[vol.71 fol(s)46-60] Distribution of army officers, expenditure and salaries including land assignments 1838 Nepali hand-made paper, fair writing.
Distribution of army officers, expenditure on salaries and other items, salary scale, khuwā and birtā lands given to army officers, information on Bhimsen Thapa's salary increase from 6,000 to 10,000 and Ranabirsing Thapa and Mathabarsing Thapa's 9,000 a year, distribution of birta land without informing the king, system of raibandi (redistribution of land among cultivators (folio 48) (land system).
10[vol.71 fol(s)61-62] Army palṭans (regiments), companies, officers and soldiers with guns distributed in different parts of the country 1839 Nepali hand-made paper, fair writing.
Details of army officers (captains, lieutenants, subedars) and soldiers with guns posted to different parts of the country.
11[vol.71 fol(s)63-75] Army record 1838 Nepali hand-made paper.
Details with names of different palṭans (regiments), companies, number of army personnel and weapons.
12[vol.71 fol(s)76] Troops assembled for the marriage ceremony of Srī 5 Sahebjyū ??-05-1840 Nepali hand-made paper.
Details of army troops in different parts of the country with the total number of soldiers in each and the number brought to Kathmandu for the celebration of the royal marriage ceremony of the sāhebjyū (a prince, close cousin or brother of the king). The document might refer to the marriage of Crown Prince Surendra, which took place on 4 May 1840.
13[vol.71 fol(s)77] Questions and answers on army matters 1839 Nepali hand-made paper.
Twelve questions and answers relating to the army, answers prepared by Khardar Shankarman Sing.
14[vol.71 fol(s)78] Army salary scale promulgated in VE 1894 (CE 1837) 1894 Nepali hand-made paper, good condition, fair writing.
Army salary scale for ranks from Commander-In-Chief General Bhimsen Thapa down to kulu (drummer), with Mathbarsingh (Thapa) as source; English title description. This scale might be the reduced scale apparently devised by Rangnath Paudyal in 1836-1837 but not fully implemented, see [Whelpton_1991:51, 80].
15[vol.71 fol(s)79] Revenue collected from six major courts and three cities of the Kathmandu Valley and the expenditure on salary of officials 1829 Machine-made paper, becoming brittle, fair writing.
Description of revenue collected from the three cities of the Kathmandu Valley and from six major government courts (adālats), expenditure on salary of every officer and staff member with their name and position.
16[vol.71 fol(s)80-101] Documents relating to customs contracts and clearance of contractor’s accounts 1833 Nepali hand-made paper, good writing.
Account clearance documents for contractor Bhavani in respect of nirkhi (sales tax) and kapās (transit tax on cotton), copies of red-sealed royal letters (lālmohar).
17[vol.71 fol(s)102-106] Account of daily expenditure on animals such as elephants, camels and their keepers 1808 Nepali hand-made paper.
Description with names of animals and their keepers and daily expenditure in kind on each individual (animal husbandry).
18[vol.71 fol(s)107] List of birds and animals in the palace collection 1808 Nepali hand-made paper, upper part torn-off, condition of the rest is fine.
List of different kinds of birds and wild animals including tigers, probably collected for/by a zoo in the palace.
19[vol.71 fol(s)108] Dimensions and other details of forts (gaḍhi) in Baitadi, Almora, Lalmandi and Mahakali 1808 Nepali hand-made paper, fine condition, fair writing.
Details include dimensions, number of buildings and doors inside the forts and number of cannons; Farsi and Nepali title description.
20[vol.71 fol(s)109] Income from the paddy land (khet) of the area called Najiki Nepali hand-made paper, fine condition and writing.
Description with names of tenants, production of each plot of land, expenses on transport and storage, net income and extra levy (ghyu-khāne) collected; Nepali and Farsi title description.
21[vol.71 fol(s)110] Record of workers at Nuwakot gunpowder factory (vārudakhānā) 1808 Nepali hand-made paper, fine condition, fair writing.
Description of workers from different villages with names of village and assignment of work; Nepali and Farsi title description.
22[vol.71 fol(s)111-115] Army attendance record of the year VE 1866 1866 Nepali hand-made paper, fine condition, fair writing.
Record of the Purana Gorakh regiment (major component of the Kathmandu garrison) serving under KājīChamu Bhandari; Nepali, English and Farsi title description.
23[vol.71 fol(s)116-132b] Details of state revenue and expenditure on the palace plus army salary (khet and khuwā) record of the Srinath regiment and other units 1843 Nepali hand-made paper pasted with haritāl, written on both sides, very good condition, excellent writing.
Side A: Details of expenditure on the palace as shown in the Kausi Office record with a breakdown by district and other sources of revenue of the years between VE 1891 and 1900 (palace expenses); Side B: (beginning from folio 132b and ending on folio 121b) Record of the salaries of the Srinath regiment and other army units for the years between VE 1893 and 1895; includes Hodgson's note recording the translation into English of both documents.
24[vol.71 fol(s)133-211] Clearance record for revenue collected from households whose land was assigned for the payment of army salary (khuwā-khāngī) with army and other state expenses paid out of the amount collected in VE 1877-1878 1878 Nepali hand-made paper, fine condition, fair writing.
Clearance letter (lālmohar) from the king for sāunyā, phāgu and valak (a levy collected in support of the Royal Palace) taxes collected in the year VE 1877-1878 from households whose land was assigned for the payment of army salary (khuwā-khāngī) in different villages between the Mechi and Bheri and the state expenses deducted from that amount; record is divided geographically, including Bheri and Kali (ff. 133-148), Marsyangdi to Kali (ff. 148-167), Trishuli to Marsyangdi (in original Triśūlgaṅgā and Marsyāṅdī) (ff. 168-184), Trishuli to Sanga-Sindhu (in original Sāṅgā-Sindhu) (ff. 185-214), Sunkoshi to Dudhkoshi (ff. 215-223), Dudhkoshi to Mechi (folio 224) and expenditure (folio 224 onwards).