MSS EUR HODGSON/25 Ethnography and languages 1830s-1850s
Published material related to ethnography and languages, studies on various tribes and languages together with 1831 domestic price list for Calcutta market.
1 [vol.25 fol(s)] List of different tribes of Babria Kattees 1846 Printed copy, pp. 208-225 from printed paper.
List published by the Bombay Geographical Society with Hodgson's corrections and notes. This is not an independent article or essay by Hodgson but simply a list. It is unclear if there is a connection with the Kathis, a clan living in the Kathiawad peninsula in Gujarat in the 19th century or with the 'Babria', a small group still living in Gujarat. The index to the Bombay Geographical Society's transactions records the following tribes as mentioned in Volume 7: Khulala, Koteela, Kurena, Ladha, Liyora, Murmul, Mutara, Naessa, Nepal, Nerata, Nurga, Sachla, Sheemug, Shubar, Sheehala, Wagla, Weda Bhoopal, Werma, Wura, Wuroo, Wusra, see [Kennelly_1866:??].
2 [vol.25 fol(s)1-8] Aborigines of the North East frontier 1850 Machine-made paper, printed copy.
Hodgson's lists (obtained from Rev. N. Brown and submitted to the the Asiatic Society) comparing the vocabularies of four Naga dialects (Angami, Tablung (?), Khari (i.e. Mongsen Khari) and Mithan (i.e. Kulung Muthung), of Chutiya (i.e. Deori) and of four Tai languages (Ahom, Laos (i.e. Lao), Khamti and Siamese (i.e. Thai)). Hodgson’s introductory paragraph wrongly labels Deori and three of the Tai dialects as Naga [Hodgson_1850:309-317, ][Hodgson_1880, Vol. 2:19-26].
3 [vol.25 fol(s)xli-lxib] Report on the Gonds and their language 1847-1849 Printed copy.
Report on the Gond tribe submitted to Bishop's College in 1847 by J. G. Dribery (report of the Nurbudda Mission) with Hodgson's corrections and addenda.
4 [vol.25 fol(s)1-20 +4] Observation on the inhabitants of the Garrow Hills 1846 Printed copy.
Observation on the inhabitants of the Garrow Hills (1788-1789) report by John Eliot, Esq. printed at the American Baptist Mission Press in 1846.
5 [vol.25 fol(s)105-118] Hodgson's Report on Nepal, Part I, Volume II Printed copy.
Hodgson's general observations mainly on geography, economy, language and society including customs and manners, details of different routes, stated as published in the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society but the article cannot be traced.
6 [vol.25 fol(s)1-8] The Chenchwars: a wild tribe 1846 Printed copy.
Article by Captain Newbold on the Chenchwars: general observations and questions and answers. This is presumably the article read at a meeting of the Royal Asiatic Society in 1844 and published in Volume 8 of the Society's journal [Newbold_1846:271-278].
7 [vol.25 fol(s)1-28] Vocabulary of the Ho (Hor-pa) Language Printed copy.
Article on Ho (Horpa) vocabulary by Lieutenant Tickell printed at the Bishop's College Press, includes Hodgson's correction and addenda [vol 22/01 fol.1-14] [vol 23/01, 03, 04 fol.1-153, 240-533] .
8 [vol.25 fol(s)1-68] Religion of the Khonds 1852 Printed copy.
Captain Samuel Charters Macpherson's study on the Religion of the Khonds published in book form in 1852 [Macpherson_1852:??].
9 [vol.25 fol(s)1-20 +4] Comparative vocabulary, numerals and sentences of the languages spoken between India and China (original title: Plan of the Vocabulary) Printed copy and hand-written on machine-made paper.
English Mixed words of Burmese, Thai and Miri languages
A note on the Plan of the Vocabulary, comparative table of selected English, Burmese (in original Burmese), Thai and Miri (hand-written) vocabularies, a linguistic note (again hand-written) at the bottom of the final page.
10 [vol.25 fol(s)1-4] Calcutta Domestic Price Current 1831 Printed copy
Observation of the market prices in Calcutta, 13 June 1831, published by the Bengal Hurkaru Press.