MSS EUR HODGSON/76 Lepcha book of Thok-dra mun-lom (or funeral prayer book or book of the dead or life after death) 1847
Book of Lepcha prayers relating to death and the afterlife recited in front of the dead body at funerals.
1[vol.76 fol(s)1-11] The Thok-dra prayer of the Lepchas relating to death or life after death 1847 Nepali hand-made paper, very thick and in folded form, Lepcha script, very fine condition, fair writing, total folios 11 (22 pages), the date is of when it was copied.
The prayer book (Thok-dra mun-lom) relating to death or the afterlife customarily recited at funerals by priests known as Mun or Bon or Bong-thing (funeral prayer book of the Lepchas). It is commonly believed in Lepcha tradition that the recitation of this text by the priests would lead the soul of the deceased towards heaven providing proper guidance and the necessary comforts along the way. It includes a discussion of some ethical and moral traditions, sinful and virtuous activities, and their ultimate results. This is the Lepcha version of the Tibetan funeral prayer text known as Bar-do thos-sgrol; including a title description in Roman script and the Nepali language which reads lepchyākā thogrā chho. For another similar copy, see [vol 80/02 fol.14-20] and for a Nāgarī transliteration and Nepali translation, see [vol 79/10 fol.192-215] .