MSS EUR HODGSON/5 Ethnography circa 1838
Ethnography including notes on the Hill, Tarai and Newar peoples (tribes in Hodgson's terminology) of Nepal, and a copy of a document with a list of confiscated property of a Jaisi Brahman who was head of the office in charge of elephants. All manuscripts in this volume are written in six pre-bound notebooks, in most cases with each cover page normally bearing a Nepali title as well as an original shipment number in the Nepali language and script.
1[vol.5 fol(s)1-78b] Hill tribes, Volumes 1 and 2 1838 31x19.3 cm.; machine-made paper, two pre-bound notebooks created as two different volumes but not arranged in proper order, Hodgson and Campbell's writing in natural black ink, rough notes with corrections and addenda, in good condition.
ff. 1-34: Hill tribes, Volume 2, description of Magar, Gurung and Chepang (ff. 18-34: blank);
ff. 35-78: Hill tribes: Parbatiyas, Volume 1, description of Newars, Khasa, Magar, Gurung, Tamang (Murmi in original), Limbu Kiranti and Lepcha, some material provided in question and answer form;
ff. 78b-75b (beginning from the back of the book on f. 78b): Summary of Hill tribes; cross reference for manuscripts in Nepali related to similar subjects [vol 56/18-20 fol.64-116][vol 57/01-08 fol.52][vol 58/17 fol.64][vol 60/21-2324-26, 28 fol.177-228, 239-253] .
2[vol.5 fol(s)79-84] The Tarai people 1838 Hodgson's writing, one pre-bound notebook, otherwise as in Item 1.
Contains only a brief and general description summarised from scattered statistics used in other papers.
3[vol.5 fol(s)91-174b] The Jātamālā (caste list) of the Newars, Volumes 1 & 2 1838 Contains two pre-bound notebooks consisting mostly of Campbell's writing on the reverse side of the folios, otherwise as in Item 1.
Description of different castes of the Newars from Brahman to Sudra, classification of the followers of Buddhism, titles of notebooks and original sack numbers are written in Nepali.
4[vol.5 fol(s)177-190] A list of confiscated property of Daroga Krishna Jaisi to illustrate the condition of the people, manners and customs 1837 As for Items 1 & 2 above, except there is only one notebook.
Nepali title and brief description of the document, a copy of a detailed list of family property including slaves, domestic animals and land holdings dated VS 1894 (1837 AD). Krishna Jaisi was an official known by the title darogā leading a government office responsible for elephants. In India, a daroga is usually a junior police officer working under a commissioner. Cross reference for original Nepali, see [vol 59/24 fol.105-115] .