MSS EUR HODGSON/20 Religion (Buddhism) and festivals (Buddhist and Śaiva) 1824
Mainly on Buddhism, plus a few other rough notes on ethnic groups, Tarai.
1 [vol.20 fol(s)1-61b] Comparison between Tibetan and Newar Buddhism and some rough notes on a few other subjects including the Tarai 1824 Machine-made paper, leather bound volume, brittle and very deteriorated, rough hands.
Tibetan Buddhism and Newar Buddhism compared in question and answer form; description of the Tarai (ff. 39b-42).
2 [vol.20 fol(s)62-102] Sketches of Nepal from Svayaṃbhūpurāṇa 1824 Machine-made paper, rough hands.
Sketches of Nepal according to Svayaṃbhūpurāṇa. For other manuscripts of similar subject matter, see [vol 18/05 fol.27-99] [vol 18/10 fol.158-75] [vol 96/18 fol.146-153] [vol 18/10 fol.158-175] [vol 21/04 fol.14-18] [vol 27/03 fol.21-34] [vol 30/02 fol.3-22] [vol 52/02 fol.7-52] .
3 [vol.20 fol(s)105-208] Notes on Buddhist philosophy Volume II 1824 Machine-made paper, two separate pre-bound notebooks, good condition, rough hands.
Study of Vajrayana Buddhism continued from another volume, see [Hodgson_1874:41-145].
4 [vol.20 fol(s)209-240] Sketch of Buddhism n.d Machine-made paper, one separate pre-bound notebook, rough hands.
Preface of a printed volume on Buddhism, see [Hodgson_1830 :77-82, 222-257, ][Hodgson_1874:35-41].
5 [vol.20 fol(s)241-278] Almanac of Buddhist and Shaivite festivals n.d Machine-made paper, one separate pre-bound notebook, rough hands.
Nepali title on the cover page, festivals of Shaivite and Buddhist Newars of Kathmandu Valley throughout the annual cycle. For Nepali original, see [vol 58/11 fol.39-44] .
6 [vol.20 fol(s)278-306] Buddhist antiquities derived from the sacred scriptures of Nepal, Volume II n.d Machine-made paper, two separate notebooks, rough hands, ff. 292-306 blank.
Description of the first to the ninth āmnāyas (Buddhist deities).
7 [vol.20 fol(s)307-315] Buddhist antiquities, Volume III n.d Machine-made paper, a separate pre-bound notebook, rough hands.
Notes on kālasaṇkhyā (kālacakra) or sacred chronology, Buddhist tri-ratna-Buddha, Dharma and Sangha, Bodhisattva, Dhyani Buddha, Manushi Buddha.
8 [vol.20 fol(s)316-357] Names and attributes of chief Buddhist deities (Adi Buddha to Seven Manushi Buddhas) n.d Machine-made paper, rough hands.
Description of names and attributes of the Buddhist deities from the Ādi Buddha to Sapta-Mānuṣi Buddha (seven human or mortal Buddhas), a complete study. Hodgson's paper on this subject was apparently first published in 1834. It was later reprinted in a volume of his collected essays [Hodgson_1874:115-118] with the statement that it had appeared in 1834 in the 'Bengal Asiatic Journal No. 29'. This is presumably a reference to the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal which contains no such article.