MSS EUR HODGSON/27 Sanskrit Buddhist manuscripts, chronicles and historical materials related to Newar Malla rulers of Nepal 1825-1840s
Sanskrit-Newari Buddhist texts, description of tantrik Buddhist deities, Buddhist prayers, list of Buddhist monasteries, historical chronicles related to the Newar Malla rulers and an historical account of Siddhinarsingh Malla of Patan.
1 [vol.27 fol(s)1-18] Nava-āmnāyamūla and Matāntara Nepali hand-made and machine-made paper.
Description of Nava-āmnāya (the nine scriptures or deities, presumably synonymous with navagrantha) from the texts of Matātantaradhyānaṃ ('Visualization according to a different opinion'?), Mūladhyānaṃ ('Visualization of the Major Deities'?). The Sanskrit term āmnāya basically means 'teaching' or 'scripture', but in the Newar Buddhist tradition, religious texts were often conceived of as deities and in the Hodgson manuscripts, the term seems to refer to divinities of different forms and characters. For related items, see [vol 26/23 fol.130-131] [vol 28/22 fol.73-109] .
2 [vol.27 fol(s)19-20] Buddhist deities described by the Dharmadhātupūjākāṇḍa of the Lalitavistara Nepali hand-made paper.
List of 145 deities described in the text mentioned in the title. For a definition of the Lalitavistara, see [vol 21/10 fol.103-114] .
3 [vol.27 fol(s)21-34] Svayaṃbhūpurāṇa Nepali hand-made paper.
Svayaṃbhūpurāṇa copied from original Sanskrit, English and Nepali title description. There are all together 5 Sanskrit and 3 Newari versions of the Svayaṃbhūpurāṇa in Nepal [Brinkhaus_1987:2] and the earliest edition is dated 1557, [Malla_1982:41] . See also [Gellner_1992:192-196]A different version is available in a British Library manuscript (shelf-mark Ac. 2647/3) and see also [vol 96/18 fol.146-153] [vol 18/05 fol.27-99] [vol 18/10 fol.158-175] [vol 20/02 fol.62-102] [vol 21/04 fol.14-18] [vol 30/02 fol.3-22] [vol 52/02 fol.7-52] . For published Newari and English versions, see[Bajracharya_1983: ?? ] and [Smith_1978:??].
4 [vol.27 fol(s)35-37] Sanskrit Buddhist texts (literary) of Nepal Machine-made paper.
List containing the names of purāṇas (mythological texts), kāvya (epic poems), vyākaraṇa (grammar or linguistic studies), koṣa (lexicons), tantra, dhāraṇi (types of ritual texts), includes Tibetan title description.
5 [vol.27 fol(s)38-47] Tributes (sadkarma) to esoteric (tantrik) Buddhist deities Samvara and Hevajra, according to Karmavīratantra (the ritual of mighty action?) Nepali hand-made paper.
Sanskrit Avadi/Maithili (Avadhi)
Complete Sanskrit text together with one paragraph explanation in mixed Hindi and Avadhi text at the bottom of the final page, includes English and Nepali title description.
6 [vol.27 fol(s)48-51] Explanation of the Yogāṃvaramaṇḍala and its deities Nepali hand-made paper.
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Text explaining the Yogāṃvaramaṇḍala and its 57 deities with sketch drawing of the maṇḍala. Title descriptions in Nepali, English and Persian. Yogambara is an esoteric form of the ĀdiBuddha [Slusser_1982:325, 376-377 ][vol 27/09 fol.62-73] .
7 [vol.27 fol(s)52-55] 36 auspicious signs (chattīs-lakṣaṇa) of the Buddha and 64 Buddhist sciences (causaṭhi-kalā), 64 scripts (causaṭhḥi-lipi) 1842 Nepali hand-made paper.
Separate lists of 36 auspicious signs (chattīs-lakṣaṇa) of the Buddha, 64 Buddhist sciences (causaṭhi-kalā) and 64 scripts (causaṭhḥi-lipi) from the Indian sub-continent. An additional name list of 20 uncommon scripts is also included.
8 [vol.27 fol(s)56-61] Full account (māhātmyaṃ) of the Gyanadakini (Jñānaḍākinī) or Gyaneshwari (Jñāneśvarī) mandala with sketch drawing Nepali hand-made paper.
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Full text of the account (māhātmyaṃ) of Gyaneshwari (consort of Yogambara or emanation of Vajravarahi) with a sketch of the maṇḍala including a description of the mystery of 13 images of the deities. See [Slusser_1982:325, 376-377] for Gyanadakini's role in the Matsyendranath legend. English and Nepali title description, note of original cross reference to a Tibetan thangka marked as No. 1 but not found in the collection.
9 [vol.27 fol(s)62-73] Extracts from the Yogāṃvaratantra and Odiyānatantra for the explanation of Buddhist tantrism 946 Nepali hand-made and haritāl pasted paper.
Explanation of Buddhist tantrism and deities according to Yogāṃvaratantra and Odiyānatantra, English and Nepali title description, note of original cross reference to Tibetan thanka marked as No. 1, transcriber's note with date at the bottom of final page. Yogambara is an esoteric form of the AdiBuddha [Slusser_1982:325, 376-77 ][vol 27/06 fol.48-51] .
10 [vol.27 fol(s)74-88] Siddhinarsingh Malla's institute (code) and chronicle of the Newar kings collected from the archives of the Pradhan-Amatya family of Patan 769-826 Nepali hand-made paper.
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Sanskrit Newari
True copy of the chronicle of the Newar kings in Newari with Sanskrit translation of each incident described. Includes colophon written by the copier (Amritananda) eulogising Hodgson.
Royal code or Institute of Siddhinarsingh Malla (reigned 1619-1661). For another version, see [vol 51/10 fol.176-180] . Nepali and English title description, note of cross reference of English translation of this manuscript. There are several other institutes or codes of other Malla and Shah rulers of Nepal in the Hodgson collection: Bishnu Malla's code [vol 59/22 fol.93-96] , Rana Bahadur's code [vol 60/15 fol.159-164] and [vol 60/17 fol.168-170] , Rajendra Bikram's code [vol 59/14 fol.62-65] , Siddhinarasingh Malla's codes [vol 27/10 fol.74-88] and [vol 51/10 fol.176-180] , Sthithi Malla's codes [vol 60/16 fol.165-167] and [vol 60/18 fol.171-72] . These manuscripts are important because there is no reference in published work to Siddhinarasimha Malla, Bishnu Malla, Rajendra Bikram Shah and Rana Bahadur Shah having issued royal codes. For English summary and translations of various royal codes, see [vol 11/04 fol.102-146] .
11 [vol.27 fol(s)89-92] List of major Buddhist monasteries of Patan and daily rites and prayers performed in the monasteries Nepali hand-made paper.
Description of daily rites and prayers performed in the monasteries, list of major Buddhist monasteries, prayer to Lokeshwara written by Amritananda, Nepali, English and Farsi title descriptions.
12 [vol.27 fol(s)93-112] Prayers (stūti) to Buddhist deities, description of Manjushri's pilgrimage in Nepal, note on major Buddhist monasteries of Patan and the religious heritage: caityas, sculptures 947 Nepali hand-made paper, folios not in proper order.
Buddhist prayers (stūti) to different deities, description of Manjushri's pilgrimage in Nepal, note on the major Buddhist monasteries of Patan and the religious heritage: caityas, sculptures, with collector and author's note and date. Collector and the author of the description is Amritananda Bandya of Patan.
13 [vol.27 fol(s)113] List of major Buddhist literary texts (śāstra-grantha) Machine-made paper.
List of 12 categories or kinds of major Buddhist texts (śāstra-granthas) described by Amritananda [Hodgson_1874:14-16.]
14 [vol.27 fol(s)114-129] Buddhist āmnāyas 1-9 Nepali hand-made paper.
Text with position or order of divinities. There is no consistency in the use of the term āmnāya (sometimes written as āmnāi) in the Hodgson manuscripts. This Sanskrit term basically means 'scripture' or 'teaching', but in the Newar Buddhist tradition, sacred texts are often conceived of as deities and in the Hodgson manuscripts, the term often seems to be a general term for Buddhist deities, see [vol 26/23 fol.130-131] [vol 27/18 fol.137-139] .
15 [vol.27 fol(s)130-131] Prajñā-abhisamayālaṅkāra (praises of prajñā) Nepali hand-made paper.
74 verses from the Prajñā-abhisamayālaṅkāra, English title description.
16 [vol.27 fol(s)132-135] The Līnakrama (order of absorption) Nepali hand-made paper.
Triśaṅkusaṃvādalīnakrama from Divyāvadāna (an anthology of Buddhist stories) also known as Kālasaṃkhyā or laya. For another manuscript on the same subject, see [vol 28/23 fol.110-113] .
17 [vol.27 fol(s)136] Buddhist prayers Nepali hand-made paper.
Prayers to Tri-ratna, Prajñopāya, Prajñāpāramitā, Ādi-Buddha.
18 [vol.27 fol(s)137-139] List of Buddhist āmnāyas Nepali hand-made paper.
Complete list of 22 kinds of āṃnāyas with their hierarchical order beginning with the name of Ekāṃnāya, i.e. Ādi-Buddha and his consorts Prajñāpāramitā or Upāya and Prajñā and ending with the navabhikṣusaṃghāṃnāyas. The list is shown in chart form. For other manuscripts related to similar subjects, see [vol 26/23 fol.130-131] [vol 27/14 fol.114-129] . For use of the term āmnāya in the Hodgson manuscripts see note in Item 14. For a similar published list, see Hodgson's account of Buddhist philosophy [Hodgson_1974:93-96].
19 [vol.27 fol(s)140] Description of Bodhgaya by Amritananda 1930s Nepali hand-made paper.
Description of the heritage of Bodhgaya proper composed by Pandit Amritananda after completing a field study. Accurate and interesting identification of different temples and sculptures minutely compared to identify whether they were originally Hindu or Buddhist. For another similar manuscript, see [vol 28/16 fol.52] .