MSS EUR HODGSON/51 Genealogies: Gorkha and Malla rulers, accounts of wars and other historical events 1840
Copies of different historical accounts, genealogies relating to Gorkha (Shah) and Malla kings, and to the family of Bhimsen Thapa, list of names of different clans or family names (tharas), chronological list of Chinese Imperial dynasties, description of military campaigns of Nepal, some political and diplomatic documents, medieval inscriptions.
1[vol.51 fol(s)1-2] Legends: Newar rulers and Taleju Nepali hand-made paper.
Origin of Taleju, foundation, rise and fall of the kingdom of Simraungadh in the Tarai, Newar rulers and Goddess Taleju.
2[vol.51 fol(s)3-4] Letters relating to the change of ministers at the request of the Governor-General of India 1897 Nepali hand-made paper.
King Rajendra's letters to Hodgson and Governor-General Lord Auckland notifying the change of Nepali Ministry under pressure from the Governor-General. Hodgson's Autograph Book at the Royal Asiatic Society also has a draft copy of the letter. The English versions of these letters are available in the British Indian archives (Foreign Secret Consultations 25 January 1841, No. 121) and in printed form [Stiller 1981:71-72, 77-78].
3[vol.51 fol(s)5-107] Genealogical account of Gorkha Kings (Gorkhāvaṃśāvali) Nepali hand-made paper, very neat writing of Hodgson's Khardar Jitman or Jitmohan (Singh).
Nepali Hindi
Genealogical history (Gorkhāvaṃśāvali) collected from the Royal Palace of Nepal to the time of Pratapsingh Shah (reigned 1775-1777), in Nepali except for the first section dealing with the time of Dravya Shah (reigned c. 1559-1570), which is in Hindi with a very detailed description of events. The whole account up to the reign of Prithvinarayan's father Narbhupal Shah has been published by Dinesh Raj Pant [Pant_1993:937-938, 951-1072], whilst what appears to be a combination of Hodgson and Jitmohan's summary translation of this document (see [vol 17/01 fol.1-67] ), together with additional material, has been published in [Hasrat_1970 :99-167]. For further discussion of this text and related accounts, see [Acharya_1967:36-38] and [Baral_1964:13-15]. Acharya suggests that the author of this account is Khardar Sherman Singh but from the handwriting it seems clear that it is actually the work of Sherman's brother and Hodgson's Khardar Jitman or Jitmohan. Another brother of Jitman or Jitmohan was also the author of a similar genealogical account known as Bhāṣāvaṃśāvali. It seems that the genealogical account known as Gorkhāvaṃśāvali which includes details of Gorkha's military campaigns has been scattered in various places in two volumes, see [vol 51/03 fol.5-107][vol 51/15 fol.204-220][vol 51/16 fol.221-222][vol 52/05 fol.57-65][vol 52/11 fol.108-116][vol 52/12 fol.117-123][vol 52/18 fol.180-181] .
4[vol.51 fol(s)108] Genealogical list of the Chinese Emperors Nepali hand-made paper, from a very long single piece.
Nepali Nepali
List with names, number, enthronement dates, regnal period of the Emperors of different dynasties beginning from the first to the Manchu dynasty's Taukwang (Daoguang) Emperor (reigned 1820-1850).
5[vol.51 fol(s)109-110] Inscriptions from Patan 795, 821 Nepali hand-made paper.
Nepali Sanskrit Newari
Three Malla inscriptions from the time of Shreeniwas Malla (reigned 1661-1684), Siddhinarasimha Malla (reigned 1619-1661) and Yoganarendra Malla (reigned 1684-1705); agreement between the three kingdoms regarding 'juṭho' and 'sutak' (regulation of purification procedures and restrictions observed by family members during birth and death rites in the palaces of the Malla rulers), construction of water spouts.
6[vol.51 fol(s)111-120] Two genealogies of the Shah Dynasty of Gorkha Nepali hand-made paper.
Two genealogies running from Hemnarayan of Srīrauraparvatadeśa to Surendrabikram Shah (reigned 1846-1881), including genealogical lists of the families of the King's collateral brothers (chautariya), without much historical description, acquired by Hodgson from the King.
7[vol.51 fol(s)121-167] Letters from Paramhans Gyanananda and Paramhans Bodhananda to Queen and Guru Ranganath Paudyal Nepali hand-made paper.
Hindi Sanskrit
Intrigues of Gyananda alias Parshuram and Bodhananda alias Shambhu Giri popularly known by their Vaishnavite title Paramhans (paramahaṃsa), strange relation between the queen and these jogis, internal affairs of the state and palace, some spiritual matters and Nepali title description with some comments on the correspondence and characterisation of these jogis as evil. These jogis had also visited Kathmandu and stayed temporarily around thePashupati-Guheshwari area. There was also a dispute followed by more attacks against these jogis. A total of 60 letters in this group all said to have been acquired from the King (Rajendrabikram). For similar letters with a group of over 60 from Paramahaṃśa Gyanananda or Shambhu Giri to the King, Queen, Bhimsen Thapa and Guru Ranganath Paudyal, see [vol 41/01 fol.scroll] .
8[vol.51 fol(s)168-171] Genealogical lists and names of kings of different kingdoms of India and Nepal, list of Hindu pilgrimage centres Nepali hand-made paper.
Nepali Sanskrit
Genealogy of the Newar kings of the Kathmandu Valley and the kings of Gorkha, names of contemporary (VE 1867, CE 1810) kings of different kingdoms of northern India, list of Hindu pilgrimage centres; English and Nepali title description, source: King of Nepal.
9[vol.51 fol(s)172-175] Genealogy (vaṃśāvali) of Bagale Thapas Machine-made paper.
Genealogy of Bagāle Thapas, popularly known as Mathabarsingh Thapa Vaṃśāvali, English and Nepali title description, includes information on common ancestry of the family of Mathbarsingh and Bhimsen Thapa with that of military commander Amarsingh Thapa (Baḍā Kāji); the Nepali/Hindi title of this genealogical account is 'śrī janaral māthavarsiṃha thāpa kā vaṃśāvalī'; for similar Thapa genealogy, see [vol 56/09 fol.31-32] .
10[vol.51 fol(s)176-180] Reform measures (institutes, royal code or sudhār) of Siddhinarsimha Malla of Patan Nepali hand-made paper.
Social or caste regulations for the Newars implemented by Siddhinarsimha Malla (reigned c. 1619-1661) collected by Joganarsing, also compare with material in the Bhāṣāvaṃśāvali [Poudel_1965 (2020 VE):6][Lamsal_1968:9] and with the codes (institute) of Bishnu Malla (reigned 1729-1745) and Sthiti Malla (reigned c. 1382-1395), English and Nepali title description; for another version of the code (institute) of Siddhinarsimha, see [vol 27/10 fol.74-88] . These codes are important because there is no reference in published work to Siddhinarasimha Malla, Bishnu Malla (1729-1745), Rajendra Bikram Shah (reigned 1816-1847) and Rana Bahadur Shah (reigned 1777-1799) having issued royal codes. For an English summary and translation of various royal codes, see [vol 11/04 fol.102-146] .
11[vol.51 fol(s)181-182] Historical account of the time of Bahadur Shah's regency Nepali hand-made paper.
Description of conquest of western territories, Bahadur Shah's marriage with the Palpa Princess, war with China; English and Nepali title descriptions.
12[vol.51 fol(s)183-185] Historical account and genealogy of Patan Kings from Siddhinarsimha (c. 1619-1661) to Yoganarendra (1685-1705) Nepali hand-made paper.
Account of major events, socio-cultural and political developments mainly during Siddhinarsimha Malla's reign, including brief account of subsequent period to Yoganarendra Malla of Patan, written in popular vaṃśāvali format and known as part of Newar Vaṃśāvali; Nepali and English title description, source of the manuscript is King Rajendra.
13[vol.51 fol(s)186-199] Historical account of the time of King Pratap Malla of Kathmandu (reigned 1642-1674) Nepali hand-made paper.
Description of major events, socio-cultural, religious and political activities, written in vaṃśāvali format and known as part of Newar Vaṃśāvali, English and Nepali title description, acquired from the King.
14[vol.51 fol(s)200-203] List of kings of the Shah dynasty of Gorkha and major family names (thara) of Bāhun and Chhetri Nepali hand-made paper.
Sanskrit Nepali
List of Shah kings of Gorkha from the foundation of the kingdom by Drabya Shah in 1559 to Rajendrabikram (reigned 1816-1847) and Yoga Bikram (?), list of Bahun and Chhetri family names, see [vol 06/01 fol.2-12][vol 09/10 fol.59-62][vol 51/14 fol.200-203][vol 56/02 fol.21-24][vol 58/01 fol.1-2][vol 103/18 fol.151-55] ; including English title description.
15[vol.51 fol(s)204-220] Account of Gorkha conquest of Western territory up to Garhwal Nepali hand-made paper.
Account of the conquest of Western territory prepared and submitted to the king by Kaju Dalabhanjan Pande together with an account (part of Gorkhāvaṃśāvali, see Item 3, ff. 5-107 above) of fighting between forces under Ochterlony and Amarsingh Thapa, including English and Nepali title description and Hodgson's note stating that the document was made available to him by King Rajendra.
16[vol.51 fol(s)221-222] Account of the conquests of Makwanpur, the Kathmandu Valley and the Kirat region by Prithvi Naryan Shah and the story of Vikramaditya's throne and 32 images Nepali hand-made paper.
Prithvi Narayan Shah's visit to Banaras (Kāśīyātrā), military campaign towards West and East, major conquests including Makwanpur, the Kathmandu Valley and the Kirant region (continuation of the Gorkhāvaṃśāvali, cross reference items 03, 15 and 16 above); story of 32 images of Vikramāditya's throne, Nepali and English title description.