MSS EUR HODGSON/9 Ethnography and army 1815-1842
Notes (original title: Ethnography) on different Himalayan ethnic groups, mostly from Nepal, including their customs and manners, languages, more on Newars and Bhotiyas, festivals (jātrās) of the Newars over a 12-month cycle, revenue administration and collection, genealogies of Kings and a couple of courtier families, more on the army including military tribes, military conquests of Gorkha between Tista and Satlaj and an estimated account of revenue raised from the whole area, biographical material, original royal orders and translations, personal and official correspondence, letters.
1 [vol.9 fol(s)1-24] Hodgson's notebook on Bhotiyas, Tibetans or High Himalayan people Machine-made paper, fine condition, rough writing in pen and pencil, ff. 13-24 blank.
Brief notes on physiognomy, intellectual qualities, manners, religious paraphernalia, dress, arms and ornaments, art, household and culinary implements, personal ornaments, forms (external) of worship, diet.
2 [vol.9 fol(s)25] Genealogy of Gorkha Kings from Prithvinarayan Shah to Rajendrabikram Shah Machine-made paper, partially rotten and fading, fair writing.
The genealogical list includes the number of sons or offspring, names of lawful and unlawful sons, and names of their spiritual teachers (gurus).
3 [vol.9 fol(s)26] Genealogy of Courtiers Machine-made paper, partially rotten and fading, fair writing.
Brief genealogical note (vaṃśāvali) on Chautariyās(from Jib Shah) Pandes (with Kala-Pandes from Kalu Pande) and Basnets (Basnyat) from Shivaram Singh [vol 18/02 fol.2-7] .
4 [vol.9 fol(s)27-29] Rough note on native tribes of Nepal and Mongols, Tartars and Tibetans by Hodgson Machine-made paper, fine condition, rough and careless pencil notes.
f. 27: Notes on Nepali native tribes and their areas of settlement;
f. 28: On Tibet and the strength of the Chinese army in Tibet;
28b: On the terms Mongol, Tartar, Hor, Sogpo, Turk, Manchu, Tang-chu, Sizang, Tangut.
5 [vol.9 fol(s)29-38] Newar religious festivals (jātrā or yātrā), games and some customs and manners Machine-made paper, fine condition, fair writing but with corrections and addenda by Hodgson.
Religious festivals such as Lokeśvara yātrā, Vajrayoginī yātrā, Matsyendranātha yātrā, the games played in the 12-month cycle beginning in the months of Chaitra and Baisakh, morning to evening daily routines, customs and rituals related to setting out on and returning from long journeys, see [vol 07/18 fol.112-117] [vol 21/09 fol.71-102] .
6 [vol.9 fol(s)30-40] Questions and answers about the Umarā or Umrāo Machine-made paper, fine condition, fair writing.
Position, privileges, responsibilities and the importance of the Umraos (until the time of Rana Bahadur Shah, senior local administrators with locally employed armed sepoys but later a general term used for senior officials, synonymous with bhāradār). Cross reference for administrative role of the Umrao [vol 09/16 fol.106] [Whelpton 1991:14, 193-194].
7 [vol.9 fol(s)41-45] Professions and trades of the Bandyas and castes of Buddhist Newars (Shakyas, Bajracharyas) 1824 Machine-made paper, fine condition, fair writing.
'Bandya' is used by Nepali-speakers as a group name covering both Shakyas and Bajracharyas whilst the Newar equivalent (Bare) is applied by these groups themselves only to Shakyas, but in any case is now considered derogatory [Gellner_1992: 66]. List of caste names of Buddhist priestly and other professional classes with Sanskrit and Newari words (Chailaka Bhikshu, Shakya, Bajracharya), literary references on the origin of such castes and clans. Chailaka Bikshu was the traditional title of one category of Shakyas, but the term is nowadays normally used to refer to the children of unions between Bajracharya and Shakya fathers and low-caste mothers; see [Gellner 1992:165].
8 [vol.9 fol(s)46a-46b] Questions respecting the customs and manners of the Bhotiyas 1824 Machine-made paper of poor quality, becoming brittle in parts.
Ethnography of the Bhotiyas based on a standard questionnaire developed for ethnic surveys. The study includes religion and literature, domestic materials (utensils), social and family customs, marriage, women, eating times, birth and death rites, laws and regulations, agriculture, class and social divisions, trade, commerce and manufacture, architecture. This manuscript is an example of Hodgson's ethnological methods and is signed and dated by him.
9 [vol.9 fol(s)47-58] Letter from A. Campbell to H. Torrens regarding manners and speech of the Lepchas 07-1840 Machine-made paper, excellent condition and writing, vocabulary section in different rough hands.
True copy of the letter sent from Darjeeling dealing with the study of manners and speech of the Lepchas and vocabulary of the Lepcha language; English title description on folio 47.
10 [vol.9 fol(s)59-62] Origin and classification of the military tribes of Nepal Machine-made paper, fine condition, fair writing.
Different lists of family names of Bahun, Ṭhakuri, Chetri, Magar and Gurung, many Bahuns and Chetris are classified under Khasa group [Hodgson_1833:217-224], [Hodgson_1874:37-44][vol 06/01 fol.2-12] [vol 09/15 fol.104-105] [vol 09/17 fol.107-144] [vol 10/01 fol.1-59] [vol 11/06 fol.190-264] .
11 [vol.9 fol(s)63-64] Translation of the biographical account of King Mahendra Malla Machine-made paper, fine condition, fair writing, some corrections and addenda with pencil.
Translation of a section of a biographical account describing Mahendra Malla's good contributions, possibly translated from existing chronicles (vaṃśāvalis). Most of the translated section is about the founding of Tulajā Bhavānī's temple and the permission obtained from Akabar for minting silver coins "Mahendramalli". For the original Nepali, see [vol 53/30 fol.209-210] .
12 [vol.9 fol(s)65-71] Questions and answers about Bhote (Tibetans) Machine-made paper, fine condition, very poor hands, many corrections and addenda.
Answers by Ashraf Ali, a Kashmiri trader and one of Hodgson's research assistants, dealing with all aspects of Tibet and its people, language, geography, governance, culture, society, economy. English title description on top of folio 65 and at the bottom of folio 71b.
13 [vol.9 fol(s)72-89] Note on the Meches Machine-made paper, fine condition, two different hands, one excellent and the other fair, one is a duplicate copy.
Areas of settlement, ethnic origin, religion, society, customs and manners, language and vocabulary.
14 [vol.9 fol(s)90-103] Comparative vocabulary of selected Himalayan languages (original title: On Pronunciation) Machine-made paper, excellent condition, excellent writing in tabular form.
Comparative vocabulary of selected Himalayan languages including Mihir, Naga, Lalung, Hojai and Kachari[vol 22/07 fol.178-181] [vol 24/09 fol.90-103] . All of these languages are spoken in north-east India. Hojai Kachāri is nowadays known simply as Kachari. Hojai is the name of an Assamese scheduled tribe. There is also a town by this name in Assam.
15 [vol.9 fol(s)104-105] Rough note on the Nepal Army Machine-made paper, fine condition, rough note in Hodgson's own hand, with pen and pencil.
Some rough notes on the military by Hodgson, including positions and definitions. For cross reference, see Items 16-23 below and [vol 07/02, 05 fol.3-30, 33-57] [vol 09/17 fol.107-144] [vol 10/01 fol.1-59] [vol 11/06 fol.190-264] .
16 [vol.9 fol(s)106 both sides] Translation of a lālmohar (royal red-sealed order) or paṭṭā related to the status of Umrā or Umrāo (officers responsible for providing soldiers before the institution of the tiliṇgās or regular troops) dated VE 1871 (1814 AD) Machine-made paper, fine condition, very rough writing, different hands including Hodgson's and many corrections and addenda with ink and pencil.
Details of the position as Umrao and the salary and facilities (known as khāngi) given to Dhanaraj Gurung for maintaining 53 armed sepoys (he was allocated the villages of Sinchāṅ and Kavilāspur), see [vol 09/06 fol.30-40] .
17 [vol.9 fol(s)107-144] Survey of the Nepal Army 1838, 1842 Machine-made paper, mostly in fine condition, mostly fair writing in different hands, some corrections and addenda, ff. 145-153 deteriorated and in rough hand, some of these folios are written in pencil, mostly duplicate copies.
ff. 108-111: officers;
ff. 112-116: artillery;
ff. 117-120: infantry;
f. 120: pay;
ff. 121-125: strength and distribution of the Nepal Army (1836-1837 AD);
ff. 131-135: analytical note;
f. 136: abstract disposition return of the Nepal Army in January 1838;
ff. 138-144: list of Nepal Army as of January 1838 with notes;
f. 140b: two paper clippings from The Englishman 1835 related to the infantry of Panjab ruler Ranjeet Singh and to Dost Mahamad's troops;
ff. 145-153: rough pencil notes on the Nepal Army; for cross reference, see Items 15 and 16 above and 20-23 below, and also [vol 06/08 fol.157-180] [vol 07/02, 05 fol.3-30, 33-57] [vol 10/01 fol.1-59] [vol 11/06 fol.190-264] [vol 09/10, 15-23 fol.59-62,104-194] , army related manuscripts in Nepali [vol 59/28 fol.126-142] [vol 71/1,4-15,21-24 fol.1-132] [vol 70/1 fol.1-44] [Hodgson_1833:217-224], [Hodgson_1874:37-44].
18 [vol.9 fol(s)154-158] Statement of the provinces of Gorkha (Nepal) from Ṭista to Satlaj and estimated revenues from them in 1815 1815, 1833 Machine-made paper, partially deteriorated, rough hands with corrections and addenda including some with pencil.
List of provinces under Gorkhali authority and details of estimated revenues from occupied provinces including some notes effective until the Anglo-Nepal War and the Treaty of Sugaulī in 1815 AD.
19 [vol.9 fol(s)159] Chinese and Tibetan army in Lhasa and Digarcha (Sikache) in Tibet Nepali hand-made paper, top portion of a fragmented letter, fair writing.
Written in letter form presenting a report on the size of the Chinese army in Tibet stationed in Lhasa and Sikache; total number of 2,700 men, of which 500 Chinese and 2,000 Tibetan sentries stationed in Lhasa, and 200 in Sikache. Bottom part of the letter is missing and the contents are not complete.
20 [vol.9 fol(s)160-162] Rough note on the Nepal Army Machine-made paper, mostly in fine condition, rough writing with pencil and pen.
Number of Nepal Army, distribution of army, names of different regiments (palṭan in Nepali). For cross reference, see Items 15-17 above and 21-23 below, and also [vol 06/08 fol.157-180] [vol 07/02 fol.3-30] [vol 07/05 fol.33-57] [vol 10/ fol.1-59] [vol 11/06 fol.190-264] .
21 [vol.9 fol(s)163] Letter from A. Campbell to Hodgson 10-1824 Machine-made paper, fine condition, fair writing with signature by A. Campbell.
Military offences and punishment in the Nepal Army. For cross reference, see Items 15-20 above and 22-23 below, and also [vol 06/08 fol.157-180] [vol 07/02 fol.3-30] [vol 07/05 fol.33-57] [vol 10/ fol.1-59] [vol 11/06 fol.190-264] .
22 [vol.9 fol(s)164-177] Military memoir of Hodgson with answers related to Mr Bayley's queries 04-1828 Machine-made paper, rotten and brittle, faded ink, Hodgson's own very rough writing, difficult to read.
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Answers related to queries from William Butterworth Bayley and memoir on military matters, unpublished. For cross reference, see Items 15-21 above and 23 below, and also [vol 06/08 fol.157-180] [vol 07/02 fol.3-30] [vol 07/05 fol.33-57] [vol 10/01 fol.1-59] [vol 11/06 fol.190-264] .
23 [vol.9 fol(s)178-194] Rough draft of the report related to the Nepal Army in 1825 by B. Hodgson 1825 Machine-made paper, fine condition, Hodgson's rough writing, some faded ink, with corrections and addenda, some with pencil.
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An incomplete draft essay and related notes on the Nepal Army by Hodgson, unpublished but similar subject matter is mentioned in Volume 6, ff. 157-163, and Volume 7, ff. 3-30. The document bears at its head an original cross reference to "the red leather volume". For cross reference, see Items 15-22 above and [vol 06/08 fol.157-180] [vol 07/02 fol.3-30] [vol 07/05 fol.33-57] [vol 10/01 fol.1-59] [vol 11/06 fol.190-264] .