MSS EUR HODGSON/53 Revenue, land system, taxes and trade, judicial, historical accounts 1830-1840
Documents related to state revenue, tax, land system, judicial system, trade and commerce, originals and copies of royal orders related to land, general historical accounts, law and justice, record of events, measurements of important forts and their distance from Kathmandu. For English summaries and notes on revenue, taxation, land system, see [vol 07/10, 11, 13, 22 fol.][vol 08/various fol.various][vol 13/various fol.various] .
1[vol.53 fol(s)1-19] Tarai revenue 1830-1841 Nepali hand-made paper.
Nepali Avadhi
Details of revenue from different Tarai districts: (Morang, Bara, Parsa, Saptari, Mahottari, Sarlahi, Rautahat and Rampur), a five year (VE 1891-1895) land revenue contract order of General Bhimsen Thapa issued to Bhabanishangkhar Bangali of Bara district; English title description. For English note and summaries of the Tarai revenue, see [vol 07/13 fol.97, 99-104][vol 08/02 fol.9-11][vol 14/06 fol.76-78][vol 14/08 fol.82-90] . The contractor may be the same person referred to in Item 21 below and in [vol 42/01 fol.] .
2[vol.53 fol(s)20-24] Courts (adālat) and salaries of officers Nepali hand-made and machine-made paper.
Nepali Hindi English
Description of courts written in 29 points and an istihār (proclamation) of Bhimsen Thapa concerning the four principal courts (cār adālat); Nepali and English title description and Hodgson's English note on official salaries.
3[vol.53 fol(s)25-28] Question and answer on divānī (civil) and phaujadārī (criminal) court cases 1830 Nepali hand-made paper.
Details of full process of justice, definition of different local administrative authorities under old Newari tradition.
4[vol.53 fol(s)29-32] Law and Justice in Nepal 1830s Nepali hand-made paper.
mixed Hindi, Urdu and Avadhi, Kaithi
Two different descriptions of system of justice and courts;
ff. 29-29 verso: Isolated and incomplete manuscript containing seven points on legal matters beginning from point 10, with points 1 to 9 evidently missing;
ff. 30-32: Complete manuscript containing 30 points on legal and court matters.
5[vol.53 fol(s)32a-32e] Gross and net revenue: Hill, Tarai and other 1832 Nepali hand-made paper.
State income (revenue) from different areas (Hill, Tarai and other) and sources mostly from the record of VE 1894 (CE 1837-1838); English title description; cross reference [vol 07/01 fol.1-2][vol 07/10 fol.69-80][vol 07/13 fol.97-104][vol 14/08 fol.82-90][vol 14/11-12 fol.93-124][vol 14/15 fol.133-171] .
6[vol.53 fol(s)34] Income and productivity of different types of land and the cost of cultivation and harvesting Nepali hand-made paper.
Productivity of land, land types, yield in terms of price, details of cultivation costs up to and including harvesting; original manuscript was labeled "Produce of Khets".
7[vol.53 fol(s)35-36] Planting and harvesting time of different types of paddy Nepali hand-made paper.
Nepali Hindi
Names of different types of paddy and their planting and harvesting times, Farsi note attached, Nepali and Nepali-Hindi mixed writing.
8[vol.53 fol(s)37] Invitation to the King for saṃyakpūjā Nepali hand-made paper.
Invitation to the King by the Shakyas of Hatakhatol (nowadays Hakha Tol, just adjacent to the southernmost end of the royal palace) in Patan (Lalitpur) for saṃyakpūjā (festival of gift-giving to Dipankara Buddha deities and to all members of the Buddhist Sangha, i.e. all Bajracharyas and Shakyas in their role as the monks of Newar Buddhism). The invitation also mentions the preparation of special gifts for the King and the inspection of the venue by a palace official (Birkesar Pande). The festival or ritual was organised under the leadership of a Shakya named Bhanarsing Shakya Bandya, Bhanarsing Banda in Nepali. At present, a saṃyakpūjā is held every five years in Patan but additional ones have occasionally taken place if a wealthy donor wished to commission a new Dipankara Buddha statue and to invite all previously created Dipankara Buddhas and all Bajracharyas and Shakyas to it. See [Gellner_1992:180-185]; cross reference [vol 98/03 fol.54] .
9[vol.53 fol(s)38-47] Land survey from Sankhu to Deupatan (Pashupatinath area) 1825 Nepali hand-made paper.
List of tenants with plot number and area (in ropanī) of land holdings; English and Nepali title description.
10[vol.53 fol(s)48-59] Land survey 1788-1789 (VE 1845-1846) of Thimi, Theco and Patan (East of Koteshwar) Nepali hand-made paper, not in good condition, some torn pages.
Original field survey charts with name lists of tenants, plot number and area (in ropanī) of land holdings, names of survey team; English and Nepali title description.
11[vol.53 fol(s)60] Copy of a royal order concerning hulākis (mail-carriers) VE 1867 (AD 1810) Nepali hand-made paper.
Land grant and other privileges to hulākis (postmen or mail-carriers) designated for the Western route, freedom from state taxes and compulsory labour, Nepali and Farsi title description.
12[vol.53 fol(s)61] Royal order of VE 1889 (1832 AD) granting land to Kashinath Pokhryal of Liglig, Lamjung Machine-made paper.
Copy of lālmohar (red-sealed royal order) relating to the land grant described in the title.
13[vol.53 fol(s)62-65] Details of paddy fields of the Aruchaur area destroyed by landslides and floods in 1815 Nepali hand-made paper.
Details including the names of the land contractors (jimmāwāl), total area and affected portion of fields, actual financial loss, double copies.
14[vol.53 fol(s)66] List of Newar merchants to travel to Calcutta in 1840 1840 Nepali hand-made paper.
List of 17 merchants; English and Farsi title description.
15[vol.53 fol(s)68-88] Detailed statistics of land revenue (chāp, mānā-cāmal) collected with verification 1840 Nepali hand-made paper.
Statistics of land revenue covering the whole country with village and district names (mainly data from 1840), Bhaktapur’s details (data from 1801) are separate and include names of land owners for each ward (ṭol). The Nepali words chāp and mānā-cāmal would normally mean 'official chop (stamp)' and 'maund of rice', but may have some other technical significance here.
16[vol.53 fol(s)91-96] Salaries of officials and income of guṭhi and birta landholders VE 1893 (1836 AD) 1836 Nepali hand-made paper.
Including official's names and positions, names and income of guṭhi and birta land holders calculated in money terms. For English summary and note, see [vol 14/15 fol.91-96] .
17[vol.53 fol(s)97] Tenancy regulations relating to paddy fields and the building of houses by tenants 1831 Nepali hand-made paper.
Nepali Hindi
Rights and duties of tenant and land owner, contract on sharing of produce, land system. Nepali and English title description, paper acquired through Rajmansingh, Nepali-Hindi mixed writing.
18[vol.53 fol(s)98] Special fields assigned to Royal Palace (serā khet) Nepali hand-made paper.
Nepali Hindi
Regulation on the use of the income from serā khet (mostly paddy fields assigned to the royal palace), details of regular spiritual and social activities performed in the palace for which the income from serā fields is used, palace affairs including income and expenditure; Nepali-Hindi mixed writing.
19[vol.53 fol(s)99] Different kinds of tax-free land (virtā) 1830 Nepali hand-made paper.
Nepali Hindi
Definition of different kinds of tax-free or birtā land (sunā virtā, guṭhi and śiva virtā), land tenure system; Nepali and English title description, paper acquired from a Chitrakar, Nepali-Hindi mixed writing; for a description in English, see [vol 07/21 fol.138-139] .
20[vol.53 fol(s)100-102] Products of Nepal 1881 Nepali hand-made paper.
Extensive list of agricultural and natural products, poultry and domestic animals.
21[vol.53 fol(s)103-122] Contract details of the Bhaiṅsī Bhansār (customs office dealing with water buffalo) for the year 1831-1832 1833 Nepali hand-made paper.
Bhainsi Bhansar's yearly contract (ijārā) document issued to contractor Bhabani (Bhabanishankar ?) for the year VE 1888-1889, receipt for amount paid by the contractor in VE 1890 (folio 122); details of amounts collected by the Bhainsi Bhansar from different villages and expenses allocated and spent for different official purposes, tradition of offering sacrifice of male buffalo to different gods and goddesses; contract and receipt are in the form of Royal Order of King Rajendra. The contractor is perhaps the person referred to in Item 1 above and in [vol 42/01 fol.] .
22[vol.53 fol(s)123-128] Land revenue fixed for different wards (ṭol) of Patan in 1825 (VE 1882) 1882 Nepali hand-made paper.
Revenue from Patan, lists of wards (ṭol) with revenue assessment for each of them and four-fold categorisation of the land they contain.
23[vol.53 fol(s)129] List of copper mines and revenue from different mines Nepali hand-made paper.
List of 32 copper mines and income from copper, glass, and iron mines of Nepal.
24[vol.53 fol(s)130-131] List of government recognised commercial marts (koṭhi) of Nepal 1831 Nepali hand-made paper.
Details of 32 koṭhi merchants (mahājans) including lists of koṭhis or commercial marts of Patan, Bhaktapur and Kathmandu, number of koṭhis run by merchants of Udas, Shakya (Banda or Bandya) and Shrestha communities, names of merchants operating koṭhis in Benaras (Varanasi); Nepali and English title description.
25[vol.53 fol(s)132] Description of revenue 1820-1821 (VE 1877-1878) 1831 Nepali hand-made paper.
Revenue from different sources, including customs duties and the sāunephāgu tax collected from the villages between Mechi and Bheri. The sāunephāgu tax appears to be a levy on homesteads or roofs and was perhaps originally two separate taxes collected in the months of Sāun (July-August) and Fāgun (February-March) ([Regmi_1978:44-48] and [Regmi_1984 :155]). For a Farsi version of this manuscript, see [vol 94/10 fol.60-61] .
26[vol.53 fol(s)133-150] Details of contract for collection of nirkhi customs (bhansār) for the year VE 1888-1889 and receipt for clearance of amount due (VE 1890) 1833 Nepali hand-made paper.
The contract is for the collection of nirkhi (a type of sales tax or excise duty) in the area between Bheri and Kankai, details of official expenses deducted from the total contract amount. For another item related to nirkhi or nirikh, see [vol 07/11 fol.81-90] and for a discussion of the tax [Regmi_1984:152-153]. If 'Kankai' is the river in eastern Nepal, then Regmi is wrong to state that the tax was collected only in the central hills region at this period.
27[vol.53 fol(s)151-153] Description of revenue 1809 Nepali hand-made paper.
Description of revenue collected by the contractors of the Kabhre area (two incomplete clearance receipts showing figures of deposited revenue and official expenses); Nepali and English title description.
28[vol.53 fol(s)154-203] Description of revenue 1818-1819 (VE 1875-1876) Nepali hand-made paper.
Description of revenue from the Bhaktapur area under the authority of the contractor Rajmansingh, breakdown of revenue by sector (ṭol) and individual households, details of official expenses deducted from the total amount.
29[vol.53 fol(s)204] Palm-leaf document of 1713 (NE 834) concerning a land grant for a religious guṭhi (a trust) 834 Original palm-leaf (ṭāḍapatra), very fine popular (contemporary) Newari script with an official seal stamped on clay.
Donation of land as a guṭhi to provide for lighting butter or oil lamps at a temple belonging to a Manandhar family from the Yangall, Cikkarache (Cikāche)ṭol (area) of Kathmandu. A standard type of land grant or donation document comparable to those published by the National Archives of Nepal (Bhūmisaṃbandhi tamasuk-ṭāḍpatra) and Kolver and Shakya (Documents from the Rudravarṇa-Mahāvihāra, Patan)[Kolver and Shakya_1985:????][Rajbamshi_:????]; description of the seal: sun and moon on the top, a trident in the middle and the text reads śrī 3 bhavānī.
30[vol.53 fol(s)209-210] Historical and legendary material concerning King Mahendra Malla of Kantipur (c. 1560-1574) Nepali hand-made paper.
Account of the reign of Mahendra Malla, history of Taleju in Kathmandu, description on silver currency in Kathmandu, religious and social activities. For English translation, see [vol 09/11 fol.63-64] ; Nepali and English title description.
31[vol.53 fol(s)211-216] Goods imported from and exported to Tibet and India, income from different customs contracts; explanation of different types of customs duties Machine-made and hand-made Nepali papers.
Export-import trade: separate lists of goods imported from and exported to Tibet and India, yearly income from customs, explanation of different types of customs duties; data collected by Hanumanta Sing, [Hodgson_1874:92-121].