MSS EUR HODGSON/8 Economy 1833-1840
Economy: Revenues of Jumla in 1837 and
Tarai under Bradshaw circa 1817, land system: land
measurement table, a chart showing the productivity of land, cost of
cultivation, share of production: landlord, tenant and government,
agriculture: agricultural details of the Kathmandu Valley. |
[vol.8 fol(s)1-8b] List of the villages, households and revenues of the district
of Jumla for the year VS 1894 (1837 AD) 1840 48.5x38 cm.; machine-made paper, natural black ink, written in
chart form by Campbell, good
condition. |
Nepali title and brief description, Jumla households, detailed
description with names of the various darās
and of the villages included within each of them, number of households
with caste breakdown, number of fields, amount of different taxes,
duties, fines. For Nepali original of this manuscript, see [vol 59/38
fol.205-240] and for Persian summary and translation, see [vol 102/21
fol.115-116] . |
[vol.8 fol(s)9-10] Revenue of Tarai under Bradshaw 1833 55x38 cm.; machine-made paper, natural black ink but some
addenda in pencil, written in chart form, good condition. |
General description of different kinds of duties collected from
Bara, Parsa, Saptari
and Mahottari districts of Nepal's Tarai
in 1817, including a rough note on land revenues from
Butwal, Chitawan,
Sarlahi and Morang. It seems
that Hodgson was simply trying to estimate the total revenue that the
British authorities were collecting each year from these areas of the
Nepal Tarai before their return to Nepal, which was agreed at the end of
1816. Paris Bradshaw was
in charge of negotiations with Nepal regarding border disputes between
Nepal and British India only until he was replaced by Ochterloney at the
beginning of 1816. It is difficult to see how revenue could have been
collected during 1817 under Bradshaw's authority and there may be an
error here. Cross reference for Tarai
revenue [vol 07/13
[vol 13/03
[vol 14/06-09
[vol 53/01
fol.1-19] . |
[vol.8 fol(s)11] Land measurements 1833 40x32 cm.; machine-made paper, natural black ink but some
corrections and addenda by pencil, Hodgson's writing, good
condition. |
Comparative chart of land measurements in Nepal. |