MSS EUR HODGSON/94 Buddhism, law and justice, genealogical accounts, topography, ethnic groups, castes and languages (Persian and Urdu manuscripts mostly translated from Nepali) 1830s
Buddhism: Mahayana, list of Buddhist deities, questions and answers about court and justice, Newar castes, genealogical accounts of the Kings of the Kathmandu Valley and Nepal, Buddhist castes from the Valley, notes on religious architecture of the Valley, fabrics and other commodities purchased at Calcutta and imported to Nepal, topography: routes and other descriptions concerning Bhot (Tibet) in question and answer form, Nepali account of Tibet, vocabularies of different ethnic languages, routes: Kathmandu-Dolakha, Kathmandu-Lhasa, Kyirong-Dingri, Kashmiri and Iraqi merchants; Nepali and English title description.
1[vol.94 fol(s)1-14b] Rough notes on Buddhist Mahayana philosophy Nepali hand-made paper and machine made paper, very rough hands, some pencil writing.
Names of different Buddhist deities, Buddhist philosophical terms, Buddhist schools, practices, verses; English title description reading "Questions and answers touching various root points (useful)", some name lists with Nepali transliteration.
2[vol.94 fol(s)15-24b] Questions about the courts and court cases including crimes Machine-made paper, excellent hand.
Total of 35 points concerning courts and a list of 38 crimes with an additional list of questions on crimes and justice, Nepali and English title description. Khardar Gunawanta is mentioned as the compiler of the original Nepali version of this manuscript. Perhaps the Persian translation was done for Hodgson by the Munshi of the British Residency (Syed Rahimullah) with the help of its original Nepali author himself.
3[vol.94 fol(s)25-27b] Letter from Syed Ali Shah Bagdad to the Munshi of the British Residency (Syed Rahimullah) regarding the supply of special goods including medicine
The letter is related to the supply of different kinds of jams and medicines to the British Residency; includes rough notes of accounts of quantity or prices of various items; includes black seal of the shop or company called Ali Agency, probably owned by Syed Ali Shah himself. This agency (koṭhi) must have been located in the township of Kathmandu. The letter also suggests the Munshi visit the shop if the supply of commodities to the residency is required.
4[vol.94 fol(s)28] Important religious rituals performed over the year-cycle 1881 Machine-made paper, bad hand.
Major acts of worship (pūjā) performed in different months of the year.
5[vol.94 fol(s)29-32] Taxes in commodities from various places in and around Kathmandu 1831 Machine-made paper, fair hand.
Land taxes paid in different commodities from different places in and around Kathmandu.
6[vol.94 fol(s)33-39] List of Tibetan scriptures, deities, vocabulary with a colophon-like description Nepali hand-made and machine-made paper, excellent and rough hands.
List of different Tibetan terms and names with a colophon mentioning Hodgson's suggestion to the Grand Lama (Dalai Lama) of Tibet to copy the Kagyur (bka'-'gyur) and Tangyur (bstan-'gyur) scriptures (100 volumes) and send them to the palace of Nepal through Tibetan businessmen to be delivered to Hodgson; description of the process of finding, locating, copying and forwarding the copies from Lhasa to Kathmandu. For other manuscripts relating to Kagyur, see [vol 12/10 fol.136-137][vol 18/14 fol.271-274][vol 29/07 fol.18][vol 97/01 fol.1-68] .
7[vol.94 fol(s)40-44] Separated leaves containing the content of the manuscripts shipped from Kathmandu Nepali hand-made paper, rough hand.
Title folio of a set of manuscripts related to castes of Newars and other hill people of Nepal, and a list of content of the original shipment of Hodgson's collection of Nepali manuscripts; list with details of bundle number and categories; Nepali title description.
8[vol.94 fol(s)43-48] A widely-known genealogical account of the early rulers of Nepal Machine-made paper, excellent hands.
Farsi Sanskrit
Genealogical account beginning with the origin of the Nepal Valley and the Nepa or Gopala dynasty and going up to the end of the Malla dynasty with some verses in original Sanskrit; English and Nepali title description.
9[vol.94 fol(s)49-59] Religious routine for the followers of Mahayana Buddhism (Bandyas and Bajracharyas) Nepali hand-made paper, two types of writing with fair hands.
Routine or regular practices in Newar Buddhist monasteries including major prayers, rituals (pūjā), readings of religious texts, fasting (Buddhist rituals religious routine of Shakyas and Bajracharyas).
10[vol.94 fol(s)60-61] Records of revenue collected from sāuanephāgu tax collected from different places in the years between 1870 and 1888 VE Machine-made paper, fair hand.
As described in the title above; for a Nepali version and explanation of this tax, see [vol 53/25 fol.132] .
11[vol.94 fol(s)62-63] Two isolated leaves of miscellaneous notes of religious terms in Sanskrit and revenue Machine-made paper.
Sanskrit Farsi
As described in the above title.
12[vol.94 fol(s)64-65] Revenue collected from the Bandya (Shakya and Bajracharya) families of the Lagan area in Kathmandu 1877 Machine-made paper.
Revenue collected from the Bandya (Shakya and Bajracharya) families from the Lagan area; see note on Volume 28, Item 20 for use of the term 'Bandya'.
13[vol.94 fol(s)66-75b] Castes of Buddhist Newars 01/19/1833 Nepali hand-made paper, fair and rough hands, some pencil writing.
Details of family names of different occupational castes of Buddhist Newars including a summary at the end; Nepali and English title description (Buddhist occupational castes).
14[vol.94 fol(s)77-88] Questions and answers about the topography and routes of Tibet Machine-made paper, very neat hand.
Description of routes and general topography of Tibet and of the people and their beliefs with occasional use of Hindi, Kashmiri and Urdu words, work done for Hodgson by two Kashmiri traders named Khajaw (full name: Hakim Khajaw Ali) [vol 100/02 fol.2-5] and Mr. Ahamadullah.
15[vol.94 fol(s)89-123b] List with fabric and commodity prices in daily use imported into Nepal 09/13/1831 Machine-made paper, fair and rough hands mixed.
Details with prices of fabric and commodities purchased at Calcutta and imported to Nepal.
16[vol.94 fol(s)124-132] Popular account of Tibet and translated technical Tibetan terms 1832 Nepali hand-made paper, neat hand, folio 133 is blank.
The popular account of Tibet collected and written by Ashraf Ali Kashmiri with an English title description by Hodgson referring to his own comments on Jacquet's Tibetan vocabulary and the remarks by Alexander Csoma De Koros which he added to his own notes in Kathmandu. Pencil note with date and the name of the writer of the account on folio 124.
17[vol.94 fol(s)134-135b] Routes from Kyirong to Dingri Machine-made paper, neat hand.
Farsi Nepali
Routes from Kyirong to Dingri with details of distance calculated by a day journey, names of resting places, description of important villages and army stations; English and Nepali title description and in some cases, place names in both Persian and Nagari scripts.
18[vol.94 fol(s)136-142b] Route from Kathmandu to Lhasa by Ashraf Ali Machine-made paper, bad writing mixed with place names in Nāgarī.
Farsi Nepali
Route from Kathmandu to Lhasa by Ashraf Ali Kashmiri; English and Nepali title description, various place names in Nagari script as well.
19[vol.94 fol(s)143-149b] Routes from Kathmandu to Dolakha by Anamol Singh 1834 Machine-made paper, bad writing mixed with place names in Nāgarī.
Farsi Nepali
Route from Kathmandu to Dolakha by Anmol Singh; English and Nepali title description, various place names in Nagari script also.
20[vol.94 fol(s)150-154] Routes from Kathmandu towards Eastern Nepal up to the Limbuwan region together with some ethnographic description Machine-made good quality paper, fair and poor hands mixed.
Farsi Nepali
Route from Kathmandu towards Eastern Nepal up to Pallokirant (Limbuan) with ethnographic descriptions of the places en route; English title description by Hodgson, various place names in Nagari script as well.
21[vol.94 fol(s)155-159] Rough notes on Buddhist monasteries, chaityas, deities and religious texts Machine-made and Nepali hand-made paper, rough hands.
Rough notes on Buddhist monasteries, caityas, deities and religious texts including a selected list of streets in Kathmandu (crossed out), some rough sketches of a chaitya and a monastery with the location of a deity and an architectural description (Buddhism, Buddhist deities and Buddhist architecture).