MSS EUR HODGSON/26 Sanskrit Buddhist manuscripts 1820s-1830s
Collection of Buddhist-tantrik manuscripts from different sources, includes mantras, tantras, art and architecture, iconography, Buddhist prayers plus some other secular materials.
1 [vol.26 fol(s)2 pre-pages before folio 1] Text of Trikāṇḍaśeṣa Nepali hand-made paper.
English Sanskrit
Text from the preface of the Trikāṇḍaśeṣa, a 9th Century Sanskrit lexicon, includes some English notes.
2 [vol.26 fol(s)1-4] Explanation of Tri-ratna Nepali hand-made paper.
A complete text describing the Three Buddhist Jewels: Buddha, Dharma and the Sangha copied or collected from a stone inscription of unknown location in Kathmandu, includes English title.
3 [vol.26 fol(s)5-14] The Kriyāsaṃgraha according to the Trayodaśasaṃskāra 1888 Nepali hand-made paper.
Complete text with Nepali and English title with description[Skorupski_2002:][vol 26/05 fol.25-27] .
4 [vol.26 fol(s)15-24] Text of the Gṛhasthasaṃskāra of the Buddhist householders Nepali hand-made paper.
Text of major sacraments of the Buddhist householders of Nepal including dīkṣā and satī (burning of a widow), see [vol 103/02 fol.8-10] .
5 [vol.26 fol(s)25-27] Buddha's names from Kriyāsaṃgraha, Lalitavistara and Vajradhātumaṇḍala Nepali hand-made paper.
List of different names of the Buddha or Tathagata from the Mahayana Buddhist texts of Kriyāsaṃgraha (a manual of rituals), Lalitavistara (a compilation of legends about the life of Gautama Buddha) and Vajradhātumaṇḍala (one of the most important Buddhist sacred designs), see [vol 21/10 fol.103-114] [vol 26/03 fol.5-14] [vol 26/08 fol.40-62] [vol 26/09 fol.63-67] [vol 28/14 fol.49-50] .
6 [vol.26 fol(s)28-28 verso] A letter from Shankarsingh, a Brahmin Pundit from the Tarai area to Hodgson 1887 Nepali hand-made paper.
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Sanskrit Nepali Mixed
Eulogy to Hodgson, acknowledging his greatness and kindness and requesting further financial support, informing him about the men with bāja sent by him to India, sending sacred blessings, describing Hodgson as English Lālsāhab.
7 [vol.26 fol(s)29-38] Buddhist and Shaivite traditional rituals, fairs and festivals (lokācāra)
Sanskrit Newari
Buddhist and Shaivite rituals of a whole year cycle performed according to the traditional calendar and as prescribed by the Śāstras, Hindu and Buddhist fairs and festivals; Newar castes: a list of 38 castes (jātas) of Newars (classified according to profession).
8 [vol.26 fol(s)40-62] Copy of the text of Kriyāsamuccaya and description of deities from the Dharmadhatumandala and Dharmachakramandala, including the symbols of Bodhisattvas 1846 Nepali hand-made paper, folios are not arranged in proper order.
Sanskrit Nepali
Description of Buddhist deities from the Dharmadhātumaṇḍala (sacred design showing different qualities, forms and attributions of the Buddha) and Dharmacakramaṇḍala (sacred design showing the Wheel of the Law) with Sanskrit and Nepali translation, full text of the Kriyāsamuccya, a Buddhist scripture related to forms, symbols and features of Buddhist deities written in Nepal by an Acharya named Jagaddarpana in NS 946, see [vol 26/09 fol.63-67] [vol 28/14 fol.49-50] . There is also a reference to another copy of Kriyāsamuccya by Pandit Mandana Acharya, see [vol 98/11 fol.152-170] .
9 [vol.26 fol(s)63-67] Description of the Dharmadhatumandala and its 284 divinities Nepali hand-made paper, fading letters, folios are not arranged in the proper order.
Description of the Dharmadhattumaṇḍala (sacred design showing different qualities, forms and attributions of the Buddha) with a list of Buddhist divinities at the end. For the drawing of the maṇḍala, see [vol 26/08 fol.40-62] [vol 28/14 fol.49-50] .
10 [vol.26 fol(s)68-77] Copy of the tantrik texts of Ṣaḍkarmaprayoga, Yogambara and Gyaneshwari Nepali hand-made paper.
Excerpt from the Māyajālamahāyogatantra, includes the description of different sādhanā and dhyāna.
11 [vol.26 fol(s)78-87] Description of the Kalachakramandala and its 764 divinities Nepali hand-made paper.
Complete description of the Kalacakramandala (diagram of the Wheel of Time) and a list of Buddhist divinities with their respective number, Nepali and English title description. For the drawing of the maṇḍala, see [vol 28/11 fol.42-43] .
12 [vol.26 fol(s)88-91] Description of the Vajrayana deities, Yogambara and Gyanadakini and their images 1884 Nepali hand-made paper.
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Description of Vajrayāna Buddhist deities including Yogambara and Gyanadakini and their images. The title description in English refers to several thankas related to the text, a note from the writer of the text (a Newar Buddhist monk) with a few words of dedication to Hodgson and date in VE, NE and SE at the bottom of the final page.
13 [vol.26 fol(s)92-98] Description of the Durgatiparishodhanamandala and its 164 Buddhist divinities 1827 Nepali hand-made paper.
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English and Nepali title description, outline-drawing of the maṇḍala, complete description of the diagram, writer's note with date and dedication to Hodgson at the end of the text. The word durgatipariśodhana is the act of 'discharging of or purification from the state of evil'. The text thus relates to ritual purification.
14 [vol.26 fol(s)99-100 (both recto and verso sides)] Jātapatrikā (description of castes) of Buddhist Newars 1827 Nepali hand-made paper, pasted in the traditional manner with haritāl.
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Sanskrit Newari
Outline of different castes of Buddhist Newars with their origin and social order described according to the Hindu varṇa system.
15 [vol.26 fol(s)101] Miscellaneous notes on Buddhism Nepali hand-made paper.
Sanskrit Newari Nepali
A mantra for cutting off the śikhā (top-knot), Śikhi Buddha, King Prachandadeva of Gauda taking vows as a monk, important days of the year, names of some important Buddhist divinities, a rough sketch of the Swayambhumayachaitya, title description in Farsi.
16 [vol.26 fol(s)102-108] Meaning and explanation of important Buddhist terms Nepali hand-made paper.
Description of 13 important Buddhist terms beginning from Tri-ratna and Buddha, English title description.
17 [vol.26 fol(s)109] 108 Dharmāloka (conspectus of Buddhist virtues) Nepali hand-made paper.
Name list of 108 dharmaloka popularly known as 108 virtues described in text of Lalitavistara with Persian transliteration. For more detailed description, see [vol 21/10 fol.103-114] .
18 [vol.26 fol(s)110-115] Chief sacred edifices of Patan Nepali hand-made paper.
Description of selected stone sculptures from Lalitpur with details of their locations, inscriptional reference, dates, renovations and donors' names.
19 [vol.26 fol(s)116-117 (4 pages)] Mahārājā Gīrvāṇyuddhavikrama Gorkhā Vaṃśāvali (Genealogy of the Gorkha Kings and their prominent courtiers) Nepali hand-made paper.
Vaṃśāvali (genealogical lists) of the Gorkha kings and prominent courtiers (bhāradāras) including Chautariyas (collateral branch of the royal family), Pande, Basnyat (Basnet) and Thapa, prepared by Guru Rangnath Poudel during the reign of Girvanyuddha Bikram Shah (1719-1816). For English summary of the lists, see [vol 18/02 fol.2-7] [vol 52/13 fol.165-171] [vol 99/07 fol.50-55] . The material was possibly prepared by Rangnath when the Residency was set up in 1816.
20 [vol.26 fol(s)113-122] List of selected Buddhist divinities from the Swayaṃbhu hill and elsewhere Nepali hand-made paper.
Sanskrit Nepali
Two lists, one containing the names of 38 divinities from different sources, the other from the Swayambhu hill area.
21 [vol.26 fol(s)123-128] Selected comparative Sanskrit-Newari vocabulary Nepali hand-made paper.
Sanskrit Newari
Comparative vocabulary of Sanskrit-Newari, a list containing 189 selected words.
22 [vol.26 fol(s)129] A payment receipt from Amritananda 948 Nepali hand-made paper.
Amritananda's receipt to Hodgson in partial payment for the books procured or copies made for him.
23 [vol.26 fol(s)130-131] The Tri-āmnāyas (Buddha, Dharma and Sangha) Nepali hand-made paper.
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Description of the three āmnāya with illustrative drawings. There is no consistency in the use of the term āmnāya in the Hodgson manuscripts and this item has the incorrect spelling āmnāi. The Sanskrit term āmnāya means sacred tradition or sometimes a sacred precept handed down by tradition, but in Hodgson's material they are described as Buddhist divinities of different forms and character. The tri-āmnāya described in this manuscript are better known as the Buddhist tri-ratna or 'three jewels' and are also seen in composite form as a single deity. For the description of the nine āmnāya, see [vol 27/01 fol.1-18] [vol 28/22 fol.73-109] [vol 29/09 fol.22-44] [vol 98/14 fol.212-13] .
24 [vol.26 fol(s)132-135] Names and description of selected Buddhist divinities and Tri-ratna Nepali hand-made paper.
Sanskrit Nepali Newari
Names of Buddhist divinities from the Swayambhu area and the description of the Tri-ratna from the text of Guṇakāraṇḍavyūha, a 15th Century text written in the Kathmandu Valley and giving an account of creation by the Ādibuddha as well as stories of Avalokiteśvara[vol 28/09 fol.36-37] [vol 29/16 fol.157-158] [vol 96/17 fol.131-145] [Tuladhar_Douglas DATE??:], see Item 23 for a gloss of the term Tri-ratna.
25 [vol.26 fol(s)136] Manjudeva's Ādibuddhadvādaśakaṃstotra Nepali hand-made paper.
Sanskrit Newari
Complete text of the Ādibuddhastotra of Manjudeva, presumably a Newar Buddhist work. The title translates as 'Twelvefold Praise of the Adibuddha'.
26 [vol.26 fol(s)137-140] Philosophical explanation of the four svabhāvas of the world Nepali hand-made paper.
Sanskrit (Avadhi)
Explanation of the four svabhāvas (inherent nature) including nivṛtti, pravṛtti.
27 [vol.26 fol(s)141-143] Vajra prayer and lists of selected Buddhist divinities and texts Nepali hand-made paper.
Vajra prayer with 53 verses, list of selected divinities and list of Buddhist texts.
28 [vol.26 fol(s)143b] Order of General Bhimsen Thapa and Treasurer Udaya Giri to the Amālis of Agrakhani 1881 Nepali hand-made paper.
Standing order to the Amalis (contractors) of the mine area known as Agrakhani who had contracted with the government for the collection of land revenue and to operate mines. The order was for the payment of money that they had borrowed from different individuals in the area where the mines were located.
29 [vol.26 fol(s)144-146b] List of Buddhist manuscripts (śāstra) sent to Calcutta Nepali hand-made paper.
Sanskrit Hindi
List of manuscripts shipped to Calcutta with English, Nepali and Farsi title descriptions.
30 [vol.26 fol(s)147-154] Description of Buddhist divinities from a Tibetan prayer wheel (mani) Nepali hand-made paper.
Description of Buddhist divinities mentioned on a Tibetan prayer wheel. Hodgson's note reads "Description of Buddhist divinities from a Tibetan prayer wheel Hamilton's Asia Vol. 1 and Crawfurd's Archipelago Vol. 2" (Indian Archipelago)[Crawfurd_1820: Volume 2]. Hamilton's book cannot be traced.