MSS EUR HODGSON/99 Buddhism, topography, Newar castes and traditional festivals, name list of Gorkhali rulers and dignitaries of Nepal (Persian and Urdu documents mostly translated from Nepali, Newari and Sanskrit) 1843
Buddhist caturvarṇa from Kṛyāsamuccya, account of the Swayambhunath chaitya, description of Pancha-Buddha with svabhāvarūpa and tantra, description of the Tri-ratna (Buddha, dharma and sangha) and pañcaviṃśtisāhaśrikā prajnāpāramitā, itinerary to Bhoṭa (Tibet), traditional jātrās, Buddhist aṃnāyas, Newar castes: Saiva and Buddhist, list of printed texts of Buddhist scriptures (śāstra) from Nepal, various notes on Buddhism, list of the names of rulers and dignitaries of Nepal from the time of Narabhupal Shah of Gorkha to the time of Rajendra Shah; Nepali and English title description; total folios: 156.
1[vol.99 fol(s)1-1 verso] An incomplete folio related to Buddhism 11/24/1838 Nepali hand-made paper, very poor hand and difficult to read.
Farsi Urdu
Not clearly readable but some stray references to sanyāsis and brahmacaris (Buddhist monks??) and the mention of a date.
2[vol.99 fol(s)2-7 verso] From the text of Kriyāsamuccya [vol 26/08 fol.40-62][vol 98/11 fol.152-170] 01/30/1833 Nepali hand-made paper, fair hand.
Buddhist technical terms and information on Matsyendranath, see [vol 04/02 fol.29-75][vol 18/10 fol.158-175][vol 59/13 fol.56-59] ; English and Nepali title description. On the Kriyāsamuccya, see annotation on [vol 26/8 fol.40-62] .
3[vol.99 fol(s)8-23] Description of Swayambhunath chaitya together with an account from Svayaṃbhūpurāṇa Machine-made poor quality paper, rough hand.
Outer physical description and description extracted from the Svayaṃbhupurāṇa (on which, see annotation on [vol 27/3 fol.21-34] ); English title description.
4[vol.99 fol(s)24-37] Questions and answers related to Buddhist philosophy Machine-made paper, poor and fair hands.
Farsi Sanskrit
Translation of the detailed description of Buddhist philosophy, in question and answer form (Hodgson's questions and Amritananda's answers), see [vol 04/02 fol.29-75][vol 18/10 fol.158-175][vol 18/12 fol.221-269][vol 20/03 fol.105-208][vol 21/05 fol.19-24][vol 28/08 fol.28-34][vol 28/06 fol.21][vol 29/08 fol.19-21][vol 29/11 fol.54-101][vol 59/13 fol.56-59][vol 98/12 fol.171-207] [Hodgson_1874:39-89].
5[vol.99 fol(s)38-41 (f. 40 blank)] Translation of the third chapter of the Guṇakāraṇḍavyūha 12/11/1834 Machine-made paper, neat and legible.
Details of various deities including the utpatti (gods connected with creation) such as Mahadeva, Saraswati, Vishnu, Nagaraja, Agni-devata and also the mention of four Vedas. For other reference to the Guṇakāraṇḍavyūha, see [vol 26/24 fol.132-135][vol 28/09 fol.36-37][vol 29/16 fol.157-158][vol 96/17 fol.131-145] .
6[vol.99 fol(s)42-49 verso] Note on Pañcaviṃśatisāśrikā prajñāpāramitā ('Perfection of Wisdom in Twenty-five Thousand Verses') Machine-made paper, fair hand, folio 46 is blank.
Brief explanation of various sections of the text including pūjākāṇḍa, aṣṭasāśrikā prajñāpramitā (Perfection of Wisdom in Eight Thousand Verses), namasaṃgīti (chanting the names of Manjushri), eight evil actions such as kāma, krodha; see [vol 18/13 fol.270-???][vol 28/06 fol.21] ; English and Nepali title description.
7[vol.99 fol(s)50-55b] Genealogies of the Gorkhali rulers and aristocrats Machine-made paper, very neat hand.
Genealogy of 14 generations of Gorkha kings from Dravya Shah (reigned 1559-c.1571) to Rajendrabikram Shah including Chautariyas (royal collaterals); additional genealogies of major families of aristocrats including the names of royal gurus. The families of aristocrats included are: Thapa, Rana, Pande and the names of the gurus are Narayan Pandit, Ramhridaya Pandit, Kalu Pandit; English title description, see [vol 18/02 fol.2-7][vol 26/19 fol.116-117][vol 52/13 fol.165-171][vol 99/15 fol.152-156] .
8[vol.99 fol(s)56-88] Mahātmya of the Nine-Saṃghas from the Svayaṃbhūpurāṇa with a long list of Buddhist deities 04/??/1843 Nepali hand-made paper, fair hands, ff. 75-76 are blank.
Farsi Sanskrit
ff. 56-58: Content list of the Nine Saṃghas with a separate long list of Buddhist deities written in both Persian and Nāgarī;
ff. 59-88: Chapters 4, 5 and 10 of the Svayaṃbhūpurāṇa related to the Nine-Sanghas. See annotation on [vol 27/3 fol.21-34] for the various texts of the Svayaṃbhūpurāṇa and also [vol 18/05 fol.27-99][vol 18/10 fol.158-175][vol 20/02 fol.62-102][vol 21/04 fol.14-18][vol 27/03 fol.21-34][vol 30/02 fol.3-22][vol 52/02 fol.7-52][vol 93/25 fol.81] .
09[vol.99 fol(s)89-118 verso] Itinerary of the route to Tibet with details of stages 1834 Machine-made paper, fair hand, folio 117 is blank.
The itinerary begins from Kathmandu and ends at Tazeda covering 49 stages inclusive; English title descriptions (ff. 112 verso and 118 verso).
10[vol.99 fol(s)119-125 verso] Buddhist āmnāyas, first to seventh, according to the text of Aṣṭasāhaśrikāprajñāpāramitā Machine-made paper, mixed hands, fair and rough, Nāgarī very neat.
Farsi Sanskrit
Details of all the deities from the first to the seventh āmnāyas, some original Sanskrit verses infixed; Hindi and English title description (ff. 119, 125 verso); for the meaning of the term itself, see [vol 26/23 fol.130-131] and for other references, see [vol 19/01 fol.1-75][vol 20/06 fol.278-306, 292-306][vol 27/14 fol.114-129][vol 27/01 fol.1-18][vol 27/18 fol.137-139][vol 28/22 fol.73-109][vol 29/09 fol.22-44][vol 29/12 fol.1-18] .
11[vol.99 fol(s)126-132 verso] Hindu and Buddhist Newars in question and answer form Machine-made paper, mostly neat but some bad hands, some with pencil.
Account of distinctions between Hindu (śīva-mārgī) and Buddhist Newars, covered under 74 points; a brief note on the Pañcadhyānī Buddhas and related deities; Nepali title description (folio 132 verso).
12[vol.99 fol(s)133-136] Buddhist extracts from Lalitavistara (account of the life of Buddha), Aṣṭasāhaṣrikā prajñāpāramitā (Perfection of Wisdom in Eight Thousand Verses) Nāgarī very neat, Persian fair, ff. 135-136 are blank.
Farsi Sanskrit
Philosophical notes related to four saṃsāras, triyūgas, sarvadharma svbhāva, Adi-Buddha and the human body as a combination of five elements, original Sanskrit verses infixed. For other manuscripts relating to Hodgson's Buddhist philosophical studies including the so-called four schools and saṃsāras, see [vol 04/02 fol.29-75][vol 18/10 fol.158-175][vol 18/12 fol.221-269][vol 20/03 fol.105-208][vol 21/05 fol.19-24][vol 28/08 fol.28-34][vol 28/06 fol.21][vol 29/08 fol.19-21][vol 29/11 fol.54-101][vol 59/13 fol.56-59][vol 98/12 fol.171-207][vol 99/04 fol.24-37] [Hodgson_1874:35-96].
13[vol.99 fol(s)137-142] List of Buddhist scriptures Machine-made paper, very neat hand.
Classifications of ancient Buddhist śāstra scriptures and a list of 73 such books with brief notes and meanings of each of them; English and Nepali title description; Hodgson's note with the word "printed"[Hodgson_1874:11-39].
14[vol.99 fol(s)143-151b verso] Buddhist philosophy, various topics Nepali hand-made paper, very poor hands.
Discipline of monks, Buddhist prayers and worship, Buddhist monks, names of books like nāṭyaśāstra (art of dance), katḥputali (puppetry), dancing and merry-making, Gandharbha (musicians), meanings of different Buddhist terms; Nepali title description stating "Buddhamārgakā phuṭkara" (miscellaneous notes on Buddhism).
15[vol.99 fol(s)152-156] Names of kings, Chautariyas, kājis and gurus of Gorkha until the reign of Rajendrabikram Shah 1886 Nepali hand-made paper, fair hand.
The name list of Shah kings, chautariyas, kaji and gurus (ministers and courtiers) beginning from Narabhupal Shah (reigned 1716-1743); the list includes the names of their offspring as well; Nepali title description, see [vol 01/02 fol.23-24][vol 18/02 fol.2-7][vol 26/19 fol.116-117][vol 52/13 fol.124-164][vol 58/24 fol.74-76][vol 60/30 fol.254][vol 74/12 fol.97-104][vol 99/07 fol.50-55] .