MSS EUR HODGSON/55 Historical accounts and records, miscellaneous official documents, ethnographic material 1802-1854
Mainly historical accounts, genealogy (vaṃśāvali) of Malla and Gorkhali Shah rulers, official documents (various original sealed orders such as lālmohar and sanad) and some on ethnic and geographical matters.
1 [vol.55 fol(s)1] Genealogy of different rulers of the Kathmandu Valley up to the Mallas Nepali hand-made paper.
Genealogy in brief from the Gopāla to the Malla dynasties.
2 [vol.55 fol(s)2-4] Four pages of printed Samāsacandrikā and four verses from Himavatkhaṇḍa Machine-made and Nepali hand-made paper, printed and manuscript.
Four pages (2 leaves) of the manuscript text of Samāsacandrika (a Sanskrit text dealing with compound words), a few verses from the section of the Himavatkhaṇḍa apparently derived from the Paśupatipuraṇa (a Sanskrit text which contains spiritual legends and stories produced in Nepal and of which the earliest known manuscript dates from 1504), together with a few other miscellaneous rough notes. English and Farsi title description. For a discussion of the inter-relationship between the Paśupatipuraṇa and the later Nepalese "Pauranic" works, see [Acharya_1992:??], [Brinkhaus_1987:??] and [Malla_1992:??]) .
3 [vol.55 fol(s)5-9b] Genealogical account (vaṃśāvali) and genealogical list of Malla rulers of the Kathmandu Valley Nepali hand-made paper.
Genealogy of Malla rulers of Bhaktapur, list and dates of the rulers of Patan, Kathmandu and Bhaktapur according to their inscriptions and coins, brief description of Karnata rulers (excerpt from an old vaṃśāvali).
4 [vol.55 fol(s)10b-16] Genealogical account of the rulers of the Kathmandu Valley from the early medieval period (continued from Item 3 above) Nepali hand-made paper.
From King Gunakamadev (10th century) to King Ramasimha (13th century), description of the Karnata King Nanyadeva (11th-12th centuries) and Mukunda Sen's (1525-1526) invasions. Nanyadeva is said by the later vamsavalis to have made himself king of the Kathmandu Valley but in fact probably just led a brief raid.
5 [vol.55 fol(s)17-18] List of temples and pāṭi-pauvās of Patan City 1840 Nepali hand-made paper.
List of temples and pāṭi-pauvās (shelters provided for the use of travellers) of Patan City with donors' names and dates presumably collected from inscriptions.
6 [vol.55 fol(s)19-26] Genealogical list of the Kings of the Kathmandu Valley with principal events 1837 Nepali hand-made paper.
List of Kings and principal events of the Kathmandu Valley from vaṃśāvalis, coins and inscriptions.
7 [vol.55 fol(s)27] List of officials imprisoned including Bhimsen Thapa in VE 1894 Asār (July 1837) 1894 Nepali hand-made paper.
Imprisonment of Bhimsen Thapa, his relatives and supporters and workers, with a list of names and places where they were imprisoned. Bhimsen was accused of poisoning the infant son of Queen Samrajyalakshmi, who died on 24 July 1837, see [Whelpton_1991:52].
8 [vol.55 fol(s)28-30] Historical account of King Pratap Malla (reigned 1641-1674) Nepali hand-made paper.
King Pratap Malla, Kāji Bhim Malla, relations with Tibet. Bhim Malla was a minister of Pratap Malla's predecessor, King Lakshminarasimha of Kathmandu, and a successful war leader against Tibet, where he established extra-territorial rights for Newar traders.
9 [vol.55 fol(s)31-71] Genealogy (vaṃśāvali) of the rulers of the Kathmandu Valley down to the fall of the Mallas Nepali hand-made paper, folios not in proper order.
Popular vaṃśāvali with genealogical description and historical and legendary accounts [comparable to Bhāṣāvaṃśāvali[Poudel_1965 (2020 VE):??]]; Nepali and English title description. For Farsi (Persian) translation, see [vol 101/16 fol.152-167] and for English summary [vol 17/03 fol.178-219] .
10 [vol.55 fol(s)73-74] List of Lājimā army personnel to receive salary in grain from state land 1843 Nepali hand-made paper, (folio 72 is a cover-page of a different group of manuscripts relating to revenue from Bhaktapur and Patan).
List of names of army units [kaṃpū (Kathmandu garrison), paltan-kampanī (other regiments and companies) and megzin (arsenals)], administrative officials attached to different units, total military personnel to receive salary (bālikhāne) in grain. The term lājimā sounds very Newari and the meaning of the name lājimā kaṃpū-palṭan could be 'the royal or king's regiments'.
11 [vol.55 fol(s)75-77] Detailed accounts of the assassination of Ranabahadur Shah in 1806, and seizure of power by Bhimsen Thapa Asar 30 1889 Nepali hand-made paper, non-Nepali writer.
Description of Ranabahadur Shah's misrule and his assassination, Bhimsen Thapa and his cruel, dictatorial behaviour (appears to be a contemporary account by an elderly but very informed Newar, possibly the dahāmi of Nuwakot), killings of bhārādārs (courtiers) and their followers. Written in very poor Nepali, this manuscript gives a similar account to that in [Acharya_2060:40-53].
12 [vol.55 fol(s)78-90] Genealogical history of Gorkha or the Shah rulers: Prithvinarayan Shah, Pratapsimha Shah and Ranabahadur Shah Nepali hand-made paper.
Part of Gorkhārājvaṃśāvali containing historical descriptions from the time of Prithvinarayan Shah (including his birth and early life), Pratapsimha Shah and Ranabahadur Shah, the military campaign and territorial expansion of Gorkha under these rulers and under the regencies of Bahadur Shah and Queen Rajendralaksmi, description of the war with China and Tibet; documents acquired from the inner apartment (bhitrī khopi) of the palace; English and Nepali title description.
13 [vol.55 fol(s)91-95] Selected list of animals with Tibetan translation 1847 Nepali hand-made paper, rough notes.
Nepali Tibetan Hindi
Tibetan names of different domestic and wild animals according to information acquired from Tonde Phurba of Zhikache.
14 [vol.55 fol(s)96-97] Comparative vocabulary of Bahing and Lohorong Nepali hand-made paper.
Vāhing and Loharung
A list of 90 selected Lohorong and Bahing words compared. For Hodgson's published essay, see [Hodgson_1880:194-215], and other sources [vanDriem_2001:690], and for more detailed vocabulary, see [vol 89/04 fol.145-148] .
15 [vol.55 fol(s)98-102] General introduction to the Lepcha and their life-cycle rites from birth to marriage with a brief note on the Athpahariya Rai Nepali hand-made paper.
Description of Lepcha marriage, introductory note on Lepchas and their traditional rites from birth to marriage, brief note on Atḥpahariyas of Chintang (in Dhankuta) including names of seven different clans known as Dalhang, Khimchi, Arihang, Nakchhong, Sangpang, Teli and Sangmohe.
16 [vol.55 fol(s)103-105] Brief note on Rajvamshi, Tharu, Gangai Rajput and Majhi from Morang and a few other fragmentary papers on routes Nepali hand-made paper, incomplete fragment.
Nepali Avadi/Maithili
Sohanlal's note on Rajvamshi, Tharu, Gangai Rajput and Majhi from Morang, description of field report related to routes through the Eastern Tarai up to Darjeeling and Titaliya including a few other place names from a route between Bisauliya and Hanumanganj (folio 105), a list of place names from the route between Chitlang and Nagalbanda in Nepal's Tarai (folio 104).
17 [vol.55 fol(s)106] Sketch map of the Sapta-Gandaki and its tributary rivers showing important confluences and crossing places (ghāṭ) Machine-made sketch paper, pencil drawing.
Sketch drawing of the Gandaki river system showing details of major confluences of spiritual importance and frequently-used crossing places.
18 [vol.55 fol(s)107-108] Agriculture and agricultural products of Nepal Nepali hand-made paper, poor writing, very difficult to read.
Agricultural process and products including different types of grains, vegetables and spices, mainly from the Tarai; Hodgson's title description in English says the note is the outcome of Boojan's own research on the agriculture of Nepal. The name Bhoojan might be a corrupt form of the Taraian name Bhajan or Bhojan (Bhojanlal). There are several other research notes relating to the Nepal Tarai by this man and the name is given variously as Bhoojanlaul, Bhoojanlal or just Bhoojan, see [vol 60/07 fol.58-32, 115-130] .
19 [vol.55 fol(s)109-112] Queries relating to a report on identification, names, revenue, village and household details of twenty-two and twenty-four states (bāisī-cauvisī) of Western Nepal and of states and regions in Eastern Nepal Nepali hand-made paper, folio 113 is blank.
Further queries and cross-checking (described in 11 points) relating to a report on the identification, names, revenue, village and household details of the bāisī-cauvisī (twenty-two and twenty-four states of Western Nepal) and other states and regions of Eastern Nepal, separate list of villages under Kaski-Pokhara Aṃbal (folio 112). This is an important manuscript for understanding Hodgson's method of verifying information collected in the field through different sources.
20 [vol.55 fol(s)114-172] Originals and copies of royal orders and other official notes and letters mostly related to land revenue contracts 1802-1854 Mostly Nepali hand-made paper but some machine-made paper, some original red and black sealed orders and letters, manuscripts are not in proper order.
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Nepali Nepali, Hindi, Avadhi/Kaithi
ff. 114-116: Mostly related to yearly land revenue contracts, with some involving other types of revenue, including original royal letters (lālmohars);
ff. 117-118: List of mines in the Parbat, Baglung and Palpa areas;
ff. 117: List of owners of tax-free land (birtā) from Kaski and Parbat;
f. 121: Personal letter;
f. 121: Example of land grant letter;
f. 122: List of the number of households in different districts;
ff. 123-125: List of important historical forts;
ff. 126-128: Cover pages of different original bundles;
f. 129 verso: Content page of box No. 3 of original shipment;
ff. 131-132 verso: Two fragmented documents relating to revenue and other expense accounts;
ff. 133-134: Letter to Choṭāsāhab ((Assistant Resident (Hodgson)?) dated 1827;
f. 135: Copy of a royal letter (lālmohar);
f. 136: Fragment of a list of villages of Western Nepal;
ff. 137-141: Five official letters related to the land system;
ff. 142-144: Rough note on different types of vegetables and grains produced in Nepal;
ff. 145-171: Official and a few personal letters including original and copies of royal orders (lālmohar) mostly concerning land system and land revenue;
f. 159 verso: Life-cycle rites of the Chepang;
f. 172: Cover of a letter addressed to Hodgson in Darjeeling with Darjeeling Post Office stamp dated 1856, probably sent by Ranganath Poudel.
21 [vol.55 fol(s)173] Draft copy of an application for official permission for Dr. Schlangintweit to go around the country recording the temperature and a record of wages paid to different informants employed for ethnic studies Nepali hand-made paper, draft letter, blue and black ink.
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Draft of request letter to be submitted to the Government of Nepal requesting official permission for Dr. Schlangintweit to visit different parts of the country for a temperature survey, mention of a previous similar request made on behalf of Dr. Hooker for his botanical survey; a few other rough notes about the payment of wages to people from the Khaling, Gurung, Lohorong and Dharmali ethnic communities possibly for ethnic and language studies.
22 [vol.55 fol(s)174] Rough note of account of money spent on wages of key informants employed for ethnic and comparative vocabulary studies 1846-1847 Nepali hand-made paper.
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Money paid on different dates to the key informants of different ethnic communities: Kulung, Chamling, Bahing, Chaurasya Khabas, Thulung, Magar, Murmi (i.e. Tamang), Yakha, Gurung and Balali, one of the recipients of such a wage was a Chamling Rai named Raharsing Chamling Rai from Syabun village in today's Sankhuwasabha District.
23 [vol.55 fol(s)175-176] Receipts of payment received by Amritananda from British Residency's Secretary (munsi) Nepali hand-made paper.
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Two receipts of payment received by Amritananda from the Secretary of the British Residency for copying the texts Dharmakośa and Kalpadrumāvadāna.