MSS EUR HODGSON/89 Ethnic languages: Limbu, Hayu or Vayu, Thulung, Bantawa, Lohrung, Bahing 1857
Languages and vocabularies of the languages listed in the title (ethnic languages).
1[vol.89 fol(s)1-25] Limbu language 10-23-1857 Nepali hand-made paper, fine condition, rough writing, many leaves left blank without folio number.
Limbu Nepali
Limbu Grammar (verb patterns) and vocabulary studied in comparison with Nepali; Nepali and English title description; the Nepali title description mentions that the manuscript was written principally on the basis of information from Havaldār Ranadhoj and reads: "phāgu liṃbu ko voliko kṛyā havaldāra raṇadhvajakājamāni leṣiyāko san 1857 sāla tā. 23 aktuvara". The Phagu or Phago dialect of Limbu is now normally referred to by linguists as 'Tamorkhole'.
2[vol.89 fol(s)26-79] Vayu or Hayu language 1857 Machine-made paper, fine condition, Hodgson's own draft writing with pen and pencil, two note-books or register-books, many pages left blank between folio 79 and 56 and after folio 79; folio 79 is also blank.
English Rai-Kiranti Vayu
Vayu or Hayu language: grammar and vocabulary [vol 22/06 fol.31-73][vol 24/03 fol.11-15][vol 92/02 fol.245-290] [Hodgson_1858:372-427][Michailovsky_1988:??]; English title description. The language is now spoken in the Sunkosi Valley (mainly Ramechap), neighbouring areas of Sindhuli and Kabhrepalancok (see [van Driem_2001:726-7??]). The number of speakers was given as 1,743 in the 2001 Census, which uses the name 'Hayu'.
3[vol.89 fol(s)80-144] Thulung and Bantawa languages 1857 Machine-made paper, fine condition, Hodgson's own draft writing with pen and pencil, two note-books or register-books, one bigger and one smaller in size, one pre folio before folio 89 and 7 loose folios.
English Rai-Kiranti Thulung, Bantawa
Language, grammar and vocabulary [Hodgson_1858:332-349, ][Hodgson_1880:176-193]; English title description.
Thulung is a language with over 30,000 speakers from southern Solukhambu, Khotang and Okhaldhunga districts of eastern Nepal and Bantawa is the largest Rai language with over 371,000 speakers (2001 Census) mainly from Bhojpur district of eastern Nepal.
4[vol.89 fol(s)145-148] Lohrong, Bahing languages and a note on Kiratas 1856 Machine-made paper, fine condition, Hodgson's own draft writing with pen and pencil, two note-books or register-books, one bigger and one smaller in size, one pre page before folio 145, many unnumbered leaves between 146 and 147 and after 148 are blank, one pre-page just before folio 147.
English Rai-Kiranti Lohrong, Bahing
Lohrong and Bahing grammar and vocabulary [vol 55/14 fol.96-97] . Hodgson's note on Kiratas (from published sources) with original folios 137-138; English title description.
The language is referred to as 'Lohorung' by Hodgson in Miscellaneous Essays [Hodgson_1880:194-215] and equated by Ethnologue with 'northern Lorung'. According to [van Driem_2001:689-690], Lohorung is spoken East of the Arun and Mewahang to the West and both should be grouped with Yamphu (spoken to the north of them on the upper Arun around Num in Sankhuwasabha district) as 'Yakkhaba languages', see Volume 55.14 for the variant spellings and [Hardiman_1987:??] for an ethnography of the Lohorung.